La promotion de la santé et la prévention des maladies nécessitent une action multisectorielle qui renforce les environnements favorables à la santé et oriente les comportements. Au niveau des cantons et des communes, de nombreuses politiques, telles
la protection de la jeunesse, la promotion la santé à l’école, la promotion de la santé et de la sécurité au travail, l’action sociale, le soutien au logement, la promotion de l’intégration, l’aménagement du territoire, la gestion de la mobilité ou la protection
de l’environnement sont des leviers très efficaces pour améliorer l’état de santé de la population.
L’argumentaire «Promouvoir la santé et prévenir les maladies» a pour objectif d’expliquer les enjeux et
d’inciter les personnes actives dans ces divers domaines à intégrer la promotion de la santé dans leurs activités et projets. Cela exige de leur mettre à disposition des informations actuelles et facilement compréhensibles
This sourcebook aims to detail why health needs to be part of urban and territorial planning and how to make this happen. It brings together two vital elements we need to build habitable cities on a habitable planet: 1) Processes to guide the development of human settlements – in this document ref...erred to as “urban and territorial planning (UTP)”; and 2) concern for human health, well-being and health equity at all levels – from local to global, and from human to planetary health.
This sourcebook identifies a comprehensive selection of existing resources and tools to support the incorporation of health into UTP, including advocacy frameworks, entry points and guidance, as well as tools and illustrative case studies. It does not provide prescriptions for specific scenarios – these should be determined by context, people and available resources.
These guidelines are designed for ICRC and other health professionals – nurses, midwifes, doctors – who either lack experience in antenatal care or are not used to working in countries where medical infrastructure is underdeveloped or non-existent
Lancet Psychiatry 2016;3: 415–24
Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LNs) constitute a core vector control intervention against malaria. A number of new LN products are under development and will require assessment of risks to humans. This document provides an updated generic model that can be used for the risk assessment of exposure t...o insecticides of individuals sleeping under LNs and during the washing of nets.
In an Annex, exposures and health risks are described for the conventional treatment or retreatment of nets (ITNs) with an insecticide considering that such practices may still be used in evaluation of ITNs and their use. The generic model does not include the risks associated with the manufacturing of LNs in a factory environment.
A practical handbook covering the architecture, engineering, design and operation of prisons. It is intended for all ICRC delegates working in places of detention, whether they have extensive practical experience or are new to the field.
This document provides a generic model that can be used for risk assessment of exposure to insecticide products applied as indoor residual sprays. It aims to harmonize the risk assessment of such insecticides for public health use in order to generate comparable data for their registering and by national regulatory authorities. The assessment considers both adults and children (all age groups) as well as people in the following specific categories:
- those preparing the spray;
- those applying the spray;
- residents living in the treated houses;
- residents who participate in preparing and applying insecticides.
Capítulo J.10
Edición: Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traducción: Fernanda Prieto-Tagle