Rund drei Viertel der in Deutschland lebenden Flüchtlinge aus Syrien, dem Irak und Afghanistan sind nach Gewalterlebnissen traumatisiert.
PLoS Med 10(8): e1001501.
The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study, a collaborative endeavour of the World
Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank and the Harvard School of Public Health,
drew the attention of the international health community to the burden of neurological
disorders and many other chronic conditions. T...his study found that the burden of neurological
disorders was seriously underestimated by traditional epidemiological and health
statistical methods that take into account only mortality rates but not disability rates. The
GBD study showed that over the years the global health impact of neurological disorders
had been underestimated.
PQDx 0179-012-00 WHO
PQDx Public Report
June/2017, version 4.0
PQDx 0027-012-00 WHO
PQDx Public Report
May/2017, version 4.0
DHS Working Papers No. 108 | Zimbabwe Working Papers
No. 9
Easy Read Version | Easy Read Report on Intellectual Disability in Ghana
WHO Factsheet (Spanish version). Updated 02 March 2016
Die Anamneseboegen stehen zum kostenfreien Download bereit: Albanisch, Amharisch, Arabisch, Bulgarisch, Chinesisch, Englisch, Farsi, Franzoesisch, Griechisch, Italienisch, Japanisch, Kurdisch, Paschtu, Persisch, Polnisch, Portugiesisch, Rumaenisch, Russisch, Serbisch, Somali, Spanisch, Tigrinya, ...Tuerkisch, Urdu, Vietnamesisch
Los módulos que conforman el paquete técnico HEARTS están dirigidos a los formuladores de políticas públicas y gerentes, directores o coordinadores de programas a diferentes niveles dentro de los ministerios de salud cuyo trabajo influye sobre la prestación de servicios de salud a nivel para la atención de las enfermedades cardiovasculares. Dentro de cada módulo existen secciones dirigidas a actores en niveles específicos de los sistemas de salud, así como a diferentes grupos de profesionales. En ese sentido, todos los módulos requieren ser adaptados al contexto de cada país.
Handout presentations in PDF for illustrating lectures
Accessed May 2014
On the appropriate use of gloves with respect to hand hygiene.
The guidelines acknowledge that overcrowding, unhygienic conditions and high inmate turn over contribute to the spread of infectious diseases within correctional facilities. The document states that voluntary HIV counselling and testing must be offered to all inmates when they enter facilities, their incarceration at an inmate’s request and upon their release. All inmates must be screened for TB symptoms upon entry to facilities and at least bi-annually thereafter as well as upon release. Universal screening for anal, oral and genital STIs must be done at entry and upon self-presentation
Four major objectives are set forth: more effective leadership and governance for mental health; the provision of comprehensive, integrated mental health and social care services in community-based settings; implementation of strategies for promotion and prevention; and strengthened information syst...ems, evidence and research.
el presente folleto describe el impacto que
tiene el estrés sobre las organizaciones humanitarias y
sobre sus trabajadores, además de establecer
estrategias para reducir las consecuencias adversas que
se derivan del mismo.
Beneficios:datos recogidos en varios entornos de trabajo su...brayan los beneficios de un programa sistemático de reducción de riesgos para la comunidad humanitaria