Frequently Asked Questions on Visceral Leishmaniasis
Diagnosis, Case Management Prevention and Control of Leptospirosis
The purpose of this document is to contribute to improved recognition of Buruli
ulcer (Mycobacterium ulcerans infection) and encourage greater efforts in detecting
cases at an early stage of infection.Today, patients can be cured with antibiotics if
diagnosed early, thus avoiding unnecessary suff...ering and disability.We hope that
all users of this document will help to achieve these objectives.
Clinical management handbook
War and natural disaster result in millions of families and children witnessing or being victims
of unthinkable atrocities. Save the Children is working to minimize the harm children
experience during and after an emergency. It is working to ensure children are protected
from participating in arm...ed forces or groups, stay together with their families and are not
subject to exploitation and sexual abuse.
Los responsables de agua y saneamiento tienen un rol relevante en la prevención
y control de COVID-19, por lo que es importante que los servicios de agua,
saneamiento e higiene sean gestionados de forma segura, garantizando el
cumpli...miento de las normativas nacionales.
Las medidas recomendadas existentes de agua, saneamiento e higiene en
entornos de atención médica son importantes para proporcionar una atención
adecuada a los pacientes y proteger a los pacientes y al personal considerando:
provisión suficiente de agua potable segura para el personal, los cuidadores y los
pacientes; la higiene personal; la lavandería y la limpieza; los inodoros adecuados
y accesibles; manejo seguro de las excretas, que incluye mantener las excretas
(heces y orina) separadas del contacto humano y el tratamiento y eliminación
seguros en el medio ambiente; higiene frecuente de las manos utilizando la
técnica adecuada; limpieza y desinfección periódicas; y gestión segura de los
desechos de atención médica.
Los responsables de agua y saneamiento tienen un rol relevante en la prevención
y control de COVID-19, por lo que es importante que los servicios de agua,
saneamiento e higiene sean gestionados de forma segura, garantizando el
cumpl...imiento de las normativas nacionales.
Die Initiative Medikamente gegen vernachlässigte Krankheiten (Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative, DNDi) ist eine internationale gemeinnützige Organisation, die sichere, wirksame und bezahlbare Behandlungen für die am meisten vernachlässigten Patient:innen erforscht, entwickelt und bereitste...llt.
Silicosis is not a new disease; the impact of silica dust on respiratory function was observed by Hippocrates in 430 B.C. and in the 16th century by Agricol. In 1713, Rammazini described silicotic nodules in post-mortems of stone cutters presenting with respiratory symptoms. In the mid-late 1800s,... the introduction of mechanized tools in the mining sector rapidly increased levels of silica exposure, resulting in an increase in cases and our understanding of silicosis.
A sanitary inspection is a simple, on-site evaluation (traditionally using a checklist) to help identify and support the management of priority risk factors that may lead to contamination of a drinking-water supply. Sanitary inspections are a well-established and widely-applied practice. They can su...pport water safety planning, and in some contexts, may be a simplified alternative to water safety plans.
This publication presents the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) sanitary inspection packages. These packages update the sanitary inspection forms in WHO’s 1997 Guidelines for drinking-water quality. Volume 3: surveillance and control of community supplies. With more than 25 years of practical experience with the application of sanitary inspections, these packages have been developed from a comprehensive evidence review and established good practices.
Aide-mémoire - Leishmaniose
Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), or sleeping sickness, is an endemic disease in 36 sub-Saharan African countries, typically occurring in underdeveloped areas, where
health systems face significant difficulties of diverse natures.
A step-by-step guide for teachers on how to conduct a school deworming day!
Accessed on 31.03.2023
COUNTDOWN Nigeria has applied a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach to improve equity of Mass Administration of Medicines (MAM) and inform Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) policy through an enhanced community engagement strategy. A situational analysis conducted i...n 2016 identified community engagement as a
bottleneck to achieving equitable coverage of MAM within different and emerging contexts (border, migrant, rural and urban) of Nigeria, related to programmatic, social, political and environmental changes over time See: (Dean et al., 2019), (Oluwole et al., 2019) and (Adekeye et al., 2019)
Guiding the work of medica mondiale is an attitude of sensitivity towards both trauma and stress.
This stress- and trauma-sensitive approach has a strengthening and relieving effect on the affected
people and also the activists, specialist staff and working groups. For medica mondiale, trauma as a...
consequence of violence is not to be found exclusively in the area of (individual) psychology, but also
very significantly at the level of society and politics. For this reason, even a multi-sectoral approach
to supporting those affected by violence cannot stand alone: it must go hand in hand with measures
to bring about change in general political conditions, societal structures and public awareness.
The document "Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus" provides comprehensive guidelines for the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of type 2 diabetes in adults. It emphasizes the importance of individualized glycemic targets, lifestyle interventions like diet and exercise, and the use of medicatio...ns such as metformin, SGLT2 inhibitors, and GLP1 receptor agonists to manage blood sugar levels and reduce long-term complications. The document also discusses the screening and management of comorbidities such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetic complications like retinopathy, neuropathy, and nephropathy. It highlights the role of diabetes self-management education and support in improving adherence to treatment and patient outcomes. The guidelines are evidence-based and aim to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with type 2 diabetes.
Health facilities in the Region of the Americas frequently suffer the effects of health emergencies and disasters, which jeopardize their ability to provide services to the population. The STAR-H methodology helps staff responsible for health emergency and disaster risk management to identify and as...sess risks as part of strategic planning to improve facility preparedness. It is intended to help them develop, with a multi-hazard approach, a response framework with operating procedures to deal with hazards of any type, scale, or frequency; determine roles and responsibilities; facilitate the effective use of resources; undertake strategic planning exercises, and improve the preparedness of facilities to effectively respond to and recover from impacts. This methodology is designed for use in health facilities of any size and capacity, and makes it possible to generate historical reports and national or subnational risk profiles. This information can be used to develop an effective health emergency and disaster risk management program.
The accounting framework for health care financing is a key component of A System of Health Accounts 2011, published by OECD, Eurostat and WHO in October 2011.1 The framework makes health accounts more adaptable to rapidly evolving health financing systems, further enhances crosscountry comparabilit...y of health expenditures and financing data, and ultimately improves the information base for the analytical use of national health accounts (NHAs). It is hoped that SHA 2011 – including its financing framework – will make health accounts a more useful assessment and monitoring tool for health systems and health expenditure in the economy as a whole.
This guidance note aims to provide practical support to service providers operating Women and Girls Safe Spaces (WGSS) on how to adapt programming in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.