Induced abortion is permitted in Burkina Faso only to save the life and protect the health of a
pregnant woman, or in cases of rape, incest, and severe fetal impairment. As a result, the vast
majority of women who end unintended pregnancies do so in secrecy, out of fear of prosecution
and to avoi...d the social stigma that surrounds this practice. Most clandestine abortions are carried
out in unsafe conditions that jeopardize women’s health and sometimes their lives. This report
presents estimates of the number and rate of induced abortions that occurred in Burkina Faso in
2008 and 2012; reports levels of unintended pregnancy (the major reason that women seek
abortions in the first place); and describes some of the adverse consequences of unsafe abortion
for women, their families and society.
These Guidelines comprise a General Guidelines document that provides the basic parameters of DG ECHO humanitarian health assistance, complemented by specific Technical Guidance in annex.
Fact Sheet Global Atlas of medical devices
(Health Systems in Transition, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2014)
Для создания этого отчета MSF исследовала программы и практику лечения лекарственно-чувствительного и лекарственно-устойчивого туберкулеза в восьмистранах с высо...ким бременем туберкулеза, обладающих различным набором эпидемиологических, экономических, географических и демографических характеристик (Бразилия, Зимбабве, Индия, Кения, Мьянма, Российская Федерация, Узбекистан, ЮАР). Мы исследовали ключевые показатели диагностики, лечения и доступности основных препаратов, поставок лекарственныхсредств и финансирования .
While the ratification of the Convention and its Optional Protocol has proceeded rapidly, knowledge on how to implement and monitor them has not kept pace. Conscious of this challenge, my Office has developed this Training Guide on the Convention and its Optional Protocol. It is complemented by eigh...t training modules, designed to inform and empower those who are involved in ratifying, implementing and monitoring the two instruments. While the Training Guide is mainly targeted at facilitators of training courses on the Convention and its Optional Protocol, it acknowledges that each and every one of us has a role to play. I recommend wide dissemination of the training package, and its use by all those who want to embark upon the essential journey towards greater awareness and effective implementation of the rights of persons with disabilities and, ultimately, the building of an inclusive society for all.
BMC Psychiatry 2014 14:191
Psychiatry and Pediatrics
Chapter I.4