Contributions in International Seminars 1988 -2008
Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counselling, no. 20
The Healthy Activity Program manual aims at providing counsellors like you with information about counselling patients with moderate to severe Depression in primary care settings.
A training manual for identifying, assessing, preventing and controlling the risks of pandemics in the workplace. This training manual has been developed for both medical and non-medical personnel who may be called upon to lead emergency response, (eg epidemic outbreak, etc), ensure effective conta...inment whiles work continues and essential goods and services continue to be supplied.
The manual provides insight into some of the local epidemics experienced in Ghana such as Cholera, Cerebrospinal meningitis (CSM) and Influenza(s), the causes, signs and symptoms and preventive measures with a view to increasing knowledge among management, staff and their families as well as immediate communities within which they work.
To provide quality maternal and newborn health services at health facilities in India.
Working with limited resources in armed conflict and other situations of violence. Vol.2
With a focus on Pakistan and Nigeria’s most vulnerable communities, this report provides insight about the role that community push-back is playing in the transmission of the polio virus and how the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) can mitigate these social risks to reach every missed ch...ild.
Standard for the Exchange of Earthquake Data
In-and Out-Patient Treatment