The report reflects on the trends, achievements and challenges in global health over the past decade during which Dr Margaret Chan has been Director-General of WHO. It discusses the role of WHO in dealing with such issues as the rise of noncommunicable diseases, leaps in life expectancy, and emergin...g threats like climate change and antimicrobial resistance.
Vor welchen Herausforderungen die Weltgesundheitsorganisation steht und wie Deutschland zu ihrer Stärkung beitragen kann.
Otros desórdenes
Capítulo H.6
Editor: Laura Revert Marín, Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traducción: Silvia Rodriguez Portillo, Alfonso Pastor Romero y Paula Cox
The current document is anupdate of the guidelines developed by the EUCAST subcommittee on detection of resistance mechanisms. The EUCAST Steering Committee has carried out the current update. The document has been developed mainly for routine use in clinical laboratories and doesnot cover technical... procedures for identification of resistance mechanisms at a molecular level by reference or expert laboratories. However, much of the content is also applicable tonational reference laboratories. Furthermore, it is important to note that the document does not cover screening for asymptomatic carriage (colonization) of multidrug-resistant microorganismsor direct detectionof resistancein clinical samples.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a serious public health concern with economic, social and political implications that are global in scope, and cross all environmental and ethnic boundaries. As a global threat, AMR risks the achievements of modern medicine, and has the po...tential to impact overall global development. It is important, therefore, to elevate AMR beyond health as part of a larger development agenda in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report provides in-depth technical discussions in areas that have direct implications to the containment of AMR as a development agenda. The report is organized in five chapters which served as the technical background documents for the Biregional Technical Consultation on AMR in Asia, 14-15 April 2016. More information from the meeting is available in the WHO Meeting Report: Biregional Technical Consultation on Antimicrobial Resistance in Asia. The meeting was the first time senior officials from the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Agriculture across Asia came together to tackle AMR
Empfehlungen zur Diagnostik und Therapie nichttuberkulöser Mykobakteriosen des Deutschen Zentralkomitees zur Bekämpfung der Tuberkulose (DZK) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin (DGP).
Schönfeld N et al. Recommendations of the German Central Committee… Pneumolo...gie 2016; 70: 250–276
There is an urgent need for safer, simpler, more efficacious and accessible treatment regimens for all forms of TB. The development of Target Product Profiles for TB treatment regimens (referred to as Target Regimen Profiles or TRPs) seeks to guide the drug development process towards important characteristics corresponding to the needs of end-users.
dades infecciosas. Los antimicrobianos eficaces son imprescindibles para las medidas preventivas y curativas, para proteger a los pacientes frente a enfermedades potencialmente mortales y para garantizar que se puedan llevar a cabo procedimientos complejos, como la cirugía y la quimioterapia, con e...scasos riesgos. Sin embargo, el mal uso y el abuso sistemático de estos fármacos en la medicina y la producción de alimentos han puesto en riesgo a todas las naciones. Hay pocos productos de recambio en fase de investigación y desarrollo. Sin medidas armonizadas e inmediatas a escala mundial avanzamos hacia una era posantibiótica en la que infecciones comunes podrían volver a ser mortales.
Abstract: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a chronic psychological disorder that can develop after exposure to a traumatic event. This review summarizes the literature on the epidemiology, assessment, and treatment of PTSD. We provide a review of the characteristics of PTSD along with associa...ted risk factors, and describe brief, evidence-based measures that can be used to screen for PTSD and monitor symptom changes over time. In regard to treatment, we highlight commonly used, evidence-based psychotherapies and pharmacotherapies for PTSD. Among psychotherapeutic approaches, evidence-based approaches include cognitive-behavioral therapies (e.g., Prolonged Exposure and Cognitive Processing Therapy) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. A wide variety of pharmacotherapies have received some level of research support for PTSD symptom alleviation, although selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have the largest evidence base to date.
WHO commissioned a survey, carried out in September/October 2015, among some 10 000 members of the public in 12 countries (2 per WHO Region: Barbados, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, the Russian Federation, Serbia, South Africa, Sudan and Viet Nam) on their use of antibiotics, knowl...edge of antibiotics and of antibiotic resistance. While not claiming to be exhaustive, this and other surveys will help WHO and partners to ensure efforts are focused on tackling some of the biggest gaps in understanding and the most prevalent misconceptions
Impact Factor 5.7
June 2015
Featuring a series of articles on HIV and STI epidemiology, prevention and control among MSM in Europe
Healthy communities rely on well-functioning ecosystems. They provide clean air, fresh water, medicines and food security. They also limit disease and stabilize the climate. But biodiversity loss is happening at unprecedented rates, impacting human health worldwide, according to a new state of knowl...edge review of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and WHO.
The report synthesizes the available information on the most important inter-linkages between biodiversity, ecosystem stability, and epidemic infectious diseases such as the Ebola virus; and the connection between biodiversity, nutritional diversity and health. It also covers the potential benefits of closer partnerships between conservation and health, from improved surveillance of infectious diseases in wildlife and human populations, to promoting access to green spaces to promote physical activity and mental health. It also highlights the many areas in which further research is needed.
The Joint report hopes to provide a useful reference for the Sustainable Development Goals and post-2015 development agenda, which represents an unique opportunity to promote integrated approaches to biodiversity and health by highlighting that biodiversity contributes to human well-being, and highlighting that biodiversity needs protection for development to be sustainable.
The new WHO guidelines recommend that people living with HIV be started on antiretrovirals (ARVs) as soon as possible after being diagnosed. Currently, many people living with the virus globally must wait until their CD4 counts fall to 500 to start treatment. According to the WHO, the move to early ...treatment –or what some have dubbed the “test and treat” model –is backed by the latest research.
The ECDC, the EFSA and the EMA have for the first time jointly explored associations between consumption of antimicrobials in humans and food-producing animals, and antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from humans and food-producing animals, using 2011 and 2012 data currently available from their re...levant five EU monitoring networks. Combined data on antimicrobial consumption and corresponding resistance in animals and humans for EU MSs and reporting countries were analysed using logistic regression models for selected combinations of bacteria and antimicrobials. A summary indicator of the proportion of resistant bacteria in the main food-producing animal species was calculated for the analysis, as consumption data in food-producing animals were not available at the species level
Connecting global priorities: biodiversity and human health: a state of knowledge review
Textes du Codex concernant la résistance aux antimicrobiens d’origine alimentaire
Textos del Codex sobre la resistencia a los antimicrobianos transmitida por los alimentos
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major global public health concern and a food safety issue. When pathogens become r...esistant to antimicrobial agents they can pose a greater human health risk as a result of potential treatment failure, loss of treatment options and increased likelihood and severity of disease