Key populations brief
Accessed November 2017
This guide presents information about the 2030 Agenda, how it connects to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) and explores ways for persons with disabilities to be influential and participate in how they are achieved.
More than half of Central African Republic’s population is in need of urgent humanitarian aid – amidst chronic underfunding, persisting violence across the country and unsuccessful peace agreements. Donors must step up their commitments and meet their fair share responsibility of funding to stab...ilize the fragile situation.
This report serves the specific purpose of collating legally relevant information on conditions in countries of origin pertinent to the assessment of claims for asylum. It is not intended to be a general report on human rights conditions. The report is prepared within a specified time frame on the b...asis of publicly available documents as well as information provided by experts. All sources are cited and fully referenced.
Updated on 6 APRIL 2020
There are serious concerns that the situation might escalate in the next weeks modelling the epi curve of other regions. The interlinkages between human mobility and the current pandemic of COVID-19 are well established, and while international flights have been suspended i...n the region, the porous borders on land and water crossings remain difficult to control.
Intra-African migration remains a dominant trend in contemporary African migration. The Strategy frames the Organization’s new orientation with Africa at policy and strategic levels. It is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) which almost all African countries adhere, as well as the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, the IOM strategic vision, and IOM Migration Governance Framework (MIGoF).
The Sphere Handbook "Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response" is now available in Haitian Creole.
This translation has been coordinated by Oxfam Canada and funded by the following members of the Policy Action Group on Emergency Response (PAGER Canada): World Vision Canada,... Plan Canada, Oxfam Quebec, Development and Peace, CARE Canada, Canadian Red Cross, Save the Children Canada, Christian Children's Fund of Canada, Mennonite Central Committee of Canada and Adventist Development and Relief Agency of Canada.
The 2022 Financing for Sustainable Development Report identifies a “great finance divide” as a main driver of the divergent recovery. Developed countries were able to borrow record sums at ultra-low interest rates to support their people and economies, but the pandemic response and investment in... recovery of poor countries was limited by fiscal constraints. This joint report, by over 60 agencies of the United Nations system and partner international organizations, provides analysis and puts forward policy recommendations to overcome this “finance divide” and enhance developing countries’ access to financing for recovery and productive and sustainable investment.
Les documents d’orientation sont révisés en fonction de l’évolution permanente
de la recherche. Les énoncés des compétences essentielles de l’ICM sont également évalués et modifiés au fur et à mesure que des preuves pertinentes concernant les soins de santé sexuelle, génésique, ...maternelle et néonatale et les pratiques sages-femmes émergent. Les compétences présentées dans ce document ont été mises à jour dans le cadre d’un tel processus de révision
Lancet Oncol 2018 Published Online September 12, 2018
MEDBOX Issue Brief 27: ces derniers temps, un nombre dramatique de cas de choléra a été enregistré dans le monde entier. Selon l'Organisation mondiale de la santé, 29 pays ont déjà signalé la présence de choléra cette année (2022).
La Syrie, le Malawi et Haïti sont actuellement aux avec des épidémies particulièrement importantes.
Le 2 octobre 2022, les autorités nationales haïtiennes ont signalé les deux premiers cas confirmés de Vibrio cholerae O1 dans l'agglomération de Port-au-Prince. Dans la prison de Port-au-Prince, il y a une épidémie de choléra qui a identifié 271 cas suspects à ce jour, dont 12 cas confirmés et 14 décès.
Il convient de noter que cette épidémie survient dans un contexte de crise humanitaire et sécuritaire complexe à Port-au-Prince et dans les villes voisines, où l'accès aux services de santé et, par conséquent, la surveillance épidémiologique pourraient être affectés.
This pan-African report describes and analyses the cultural, social, physical and other societal barriers preventing children with disabilities in Africa from realising their full human potential. It also describes the opportunities, initiatives and good practices that exist, that indicate the progr...ess, albeit insufficient, that has been made towards realising the rights for children with disabilities in Africa. Recommendations and priorities for action are presented which promote inclusive and accessible laws, policies, and programmes for children with disabilities throughout Africa
excreta disposal in emergencies