La lutte contre la tuberculose est une des priorités du ministère de la santé. C’est ainsi que le Plan Stratégique National de lutte contre la Tuberculose 2013-2017 du Sénégal a inscrit dans son programme d’actions la préoccupation de mieux d’améliorer la prise en charge des personnes ...vulnérables, dont les prisonniers. L’état de santé est un indicateur clef du bien être de la société, et les prisons servent de miroir. Une bonne compréhension des conditions sanitaires des détenus pourrait contribuer à améliorer le système de santé publique d’un pays. L’environnement carcéral est bien reconnu comme un lieu où les conditions de vie sont propices à la concentration de l’ensemble des maladies de la société, en premier lieu, les morbidités infectieuses.
Handbook of Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins
Findings from this report reveal that, rates of early marriage are high, a significant percentage of children contribute to the household’s income or are its main source of income, and restrictions on the mobility of women and girls constrain their participation in social and economic activities a...nd their access to basic services. As the overwhelming majority of refugees do not have paid employment and rely mainly on aid and dwindling family resources, the more the situation of displacement is prolonged the greater the likelihood of higher rates of child labour for boys and early marriage for girls.
A practical handbook covering the architecture, engineering, design and operation of prisons. It is intended for all ICRC delegates working in places of detention, whether they have extensive practical experience or are new to the field.
Rewiew Article
Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Tuberculosis Research and Treatment; Volume 2011, Article ID 712736, 6 pages, doi:10.1155/2011/712736
Lancet Infect Dis 2022;
22: 222–4
Vaccines 2021, 9(2), 160;
In diesem Bericht untersucht der Unabhängige Experte, inwiefern lesbische, schwule, bisexuelle, transgeschlechtliche und diversgeschlechtliche Menschen nach wie vor durch diskriminierende Rechtsvorschriften und soziokulturelle Normen im Bildungswesen, in der Gesundheits-und W...ohnraumversorgung, in der Arbeitswelt sowie in anderen Bereichen marginalisiert und ausgegrenzt werden. Darüber hinaus betrachtet der Unabhängige Experte das Thema Inklusion und den Zugang zu den entsprechenden Rechten unter dem Aspekt der Intersektionalität und analysiert die verstärkende Diskriminierung, die zu Ausgrenzung und Marginalisierung führt.
Climate information is critical towards strengthening the decision making among different users interested in mitigating impacts of climate related disasters. However, there is need for the climate users to have basic knowledge on weather and climate concepts and to a larger extend, early warning ea...rly action (EWEA) system and approach. This manual presents an opportunity for the climate users including communities to acquire basic knowledge on Early Warning Early Action and this entails; understanding risk areas, existing early warning systems, communication of early warning information and enhancing disaster preparedness through translating early warning into early actions. The EWEA manual largely target the users in different sectors and communities. The execution of the EWEA manual is planned for 3 days and this does incorporate different methods such as; PowerPoint presentation, group work discussions as well as practical exercises.