What at first glance appears to be simple causality – climate change leading to more and more migration – has triggered intense academic debate over the past ten years because the circumstances are complex. There is need for a thorough analysis in the ground between denying the problem and asser...ting immediate causality. In international relations, migration induced by climate change and environmental degradation is increasingly recognized as a problem, whether in the framework of international climate policy, international migration policy, development cooperation, or international crisis management. But considering the dimension of these major challenges, only small steps have been taken so far. The scope of the problem continues to be underestimated. Climate change is jeopardizing the livelihoods of more and more people. It is a risk multiplier. Although understanding of the connection between climate change and migration has increased, many questions have yet to be answered. We need more knowledge to better support the people affected.
Triccas and Counoupas Pneumonia (2016) 8:18; DOI 10.1186/s41479-016-0020-z
This paper poses two applications of Catholic social teaching’s concepts of subsidiarity and participation to academic community engagement. The first pertains to the very general use of the term community. The second refers to a distinction between reciprocity and collaboration.
SAHARA-J: Journal
of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS, 13:1, 1-7, DOI: 10.1080/17290376.2015.1123646
Conference Report Sao Paulo, Brazil 22-24 October 2015
Key Recommendations for an Inclusive Urban Agenda
La collaboration avec les autorités nationales de gestion des catastrophes
“Because we struggle to survive” Child Labour among Refugees of the Syrian Conflict | This study provides pertinent first-hand information on the reality facing Syrian children who are working either in their homeland, the neighbouring countries or elsewhere in Europe. Syria's civil war is the w...orst humanitarian crisis of our time. Hundreds of thousands of people - adults and children alike - have been killed. Two thirds of all Syrians have lost their homes and their livelihoods. Millions of Syrians have been uprooted from their home communities and forced to flee within their country or to neighbouring countries. The consistent spill-over has drawn global attention not just to the humanitarian crisis facing both local communities and national governments but also to the economic and social strain. The bloodshed wreaked by the different parties continues. The suffering deepens. Approximately half of the Syrian refugees and displaced persons are children and young people who suffer from a double-vulnerability: as children and as migrants or refugees.
Resilience has rapidly become one of the most prominent objectives for the development sector, so ascertaining how best to measure it is an essential task for practioners working in monitoring and evaluation. In this discussion paper, the main insights emerging from the series of large-N Effectivene...ss Reviews, a set of quantitative studies that aim to evaluate impact and generate learning from a random sample of Oxfam’s projects are outlined. It is also considered how this measurement approach may adapt as ideas about resilience change both within Oxfam and in the development sector at large
Letter of the holy father
Disaster Recovery Toolkit
Early childhood matters.
This document looks at specific issues regarding the development of young children, in particular from a psychosocial perspective. It is published twice per year by the Bernard van Leer Foundation. The views expressed in Early Childhood Matters are those of the authors and... do not necessarily reflect those of the Bernard van Leer Foundation.
The companion Handbook on Humanitarian Access presents the normative framework pertaining to humanitarian access in situations of armed conflict, and therefore serves as a useful reference source for humanitarian practitioners on the normative framework.
This initial version of the Field Manual –... labeled Version 1.0 – was elaborated by Conflict Dynamics International in collaboration with the FDFA and the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
Development of the structured approach and guidance contained in this Manuel
involved a consultation process which included bilateral meetings with humanitarian organizations, regional consultation events and consultations during several field visits, including dedicated field missions