All health workers deployed to measles outbreaks must complete the measles and rubella (MR) training to implement quality interventions and work safely and effectively in the field. This course provides the essential preparedness, detection, investigation, response, and recovery skills required to c...ontain the measles outbreak.
The aims of this publication is to highlight the lack of diversity in medical literature and education
Male Circumcision as an HIV Prevention Method
Accessed: 02.03.2020
Environmental Pollution
Republic of Albania
Training Manual
Building on earlier EngenderHealth work in counseling, Counseling for Effective Use of Family Planning responds to an identified gap in existing materials and fills the needs expressed by those in the field. The intended audiences for this curriculum are health care providers, their... supervisors, and the managers of the programs in which they work. The counseling skills addressed here are expected to be relevant to the provision of both preventive and curative health services through the workshop participants’ national health systems. Finally, the curriculum’s participatory approach to defining terms and to generating profiles of potential clients is designed to assist trainees in addressing the realities and exploring the reproductive health priorities of their communities in a culturally appropriate manner.