4th edition. A manual for clinics, community health centers and district hospitals
The report provides a global knowledge base on suicide and suicide attempts as well as actionable steps for countries based on their current resources and context to move forward in suicide prevention.
Q 1: Are antidepressants (Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCA) and Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI)) better (more
effective than/as safe as) than treatment as usual (placebo) in adults with depressive episode/disorder?
WHO Medical Devices Donations - FRENCH Version - Les dispositifs médicaux, en particulier, sont indispensables pour la prévention, le diagnostic et le traitement des maladies et la réadaptation des patients. Ces documents s’adressent aux ingénieurs biomédicaux, administrateurs de la santé, b...ailleurs de fonds, organisations non gouvernementales et établissements universitaires concernés par les technologies de la santé au niveau du district, national, régional ou mondial.
This version of Field Trials of Health Interventions includes seven new chapters on conducting systematic literature reviews, trial
governance, preliminary studies and pilot testing, budgeting and accounting, intervention costing and economic analysis, and Phase IV studies. Before new interventions... are released into disease control programmes, it is essential that they are carefully evaluated in ‘field trials’. These may be complex and expensive undertakings, requiring the follow-up of hundreds, or thousands, of individuals, often for long periods. This manual was designed to provide guidance on the practical issues in great detail
A Provisional Document. The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance to public health professionals tasked with managing a response to viral hepatitis. As every country’s needs are different with respect to its epidemiology and the current level of response, people would use this manual in di...fferent ways
WHO Vaccine Management Handbook
This manual provides a practical method for determining the pharmacovigilance indices. It is designed to be simple and can be understood by any worker in pharmacovigilance without formal training in monitoring and evaluation. Pharmacovigilance as a medical discipline is crucial in preventing medicin...e-related adverse effects in humans, promoting patient safety, and the rational use of medicines. The indicators proposed in this manual are based on the expected functions of pharmacovigilance centres as described in the WHO Mimimum Requirements for a Functional Pharmacovigilance System (1) (see Annex 1 of the manual).
Global Atlas of medical devices 5 August 2017
WHO medical devices technical series
A broad range of UNHCR’s key priorities overlap with MHPSS issues – for example, child protection and sexual and gender-based violence [SGBV] prevention and response.
Despite all these existent synergies, UNHCR’s current policies and guidelines do not sufficiently link with MHPSS principles.... For example, the Community Services section, which is closely aligned to the principles of MHPSS and could be well-positioned to guide the implementation of related programs, has not adopted the MHPSS language or approach.
There are opportunities for UNHCR to engage more strongly and clearly in this field. However, this requires a vision for how the organisation as a whole, and particular sectors within the organisation, will engage within the field of MHPSS activities. For a start, UNHCR can work to improve its understanding and framing of mental health and psychosocial issues, and how these issues fit within its broader mandate.
While the majority of MHPSS activities are delivered by implementing partners, UNHCR staff require familiarity with core principles in the field, such as the Intervention Pyramid contained in the IASC Guidelines, in order to support and monitor quality MHPSS activities.
Brochure à l’intention des professionnels des structures de
soins ambulatoires ou institutionnels et du travail social auprès des malades et de leurs proches.
Второе издание
Данная публикация является вторым изданием Карманного справочника... «Оказание стационарной помощи детям», первое издание которого было выпущено Всемирной организацией здравоохранения (ВОЗ) в 2005 году. В справочнике собрана информация из обновленных руководств ВОЗ по ведению распространенных заболеваний детского возраста в стационарах первого уровня в странах с низкой обеспеченностью ресурса- ми. Справочник содержит современные клинические рекомендации, основанные на фактических данных, которые могут быть использованы врачами в их повседневной работе в больницах, где есть возможность проведения элементарных лабораторных исследований и имеются в наличии недорогие лекарственные средства.
Special attention is drawn to the following sections, which are particulary relevant within the COVID-19 context:
Chapter 4: information on cough and difficulty in breathing, pneumonia and bronchiolitis;
Chapter 10: information on essential supportive care including feeding, fluid and oxygen provision;
Annex 1: information on related practical procedures.
This volume presents the complex patterns of cancer incidence and death around the world and evidence on effective and cost-effective ways to control cancers. The Disease Control Priorities Volume 3 evaluation of cancer will indicate where cancer treatment is ineffective and wasteful, and offer alte...rnative cancer care packages that are cost-effective and suited to low-resource settings.
Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition: Volume 3
This brief guidance note seeks to provide advice on protecting and supporting the mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants in Europe. It describes key principles and appropriate interventions to guide all those who are designing and organizing emergency servi...ces and/or providing direct assistance to the affected people
The aim of this document is to provide interim guidance for interventions to reduce the risk of maternal Zika virus infection and to manage potential complications during pregnancy. This guidance is based on the best available research evidence and covers areas prioritized by an international, multi...disciplinary group of health care professionals and other stakeholders. Specifically, it presents guidance for preventing Zika virus infection;antenatal care and management of women with infection; and care during pregnancy for all pregnant women living in affected areas, with the aim of optimizing health outcomes for mothers and newborns.