Compared to their native counterparts, immigrants and refugees are at higher risk for developing mental health problems due to previous trauma and/or the stress of migration and resettlement; such as war, violence, poverty, and acculturation.
This six-day training is intended for case managers/community health volunteers/field supervisors who help households affected by HIV in India.
BMJ 2009; 338 doi: (Published 05 February 2009)
Cite this as: BMJ 2009;338:b158
Correspondence to: A Burns
This paper showed a large positive correlation coefficient between psychosocial health problems and dysfunctional abilities among rural community members
Education for respect and understanding – inclusion and equity
Second Edition
Good Policy and Practice in HIV & AIDS and Education
This guidance booklet on Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) is intended for adolescent girls and young women. Issues associated with menstruation are never discussed openly and the silence surrounding menstruation burdens young girls by keeping them ignorant of this biological function. Even after t...he attainment of menarche, very little information is given to young girls about the physiological processes involved and the hygienic practices to be followed.
Catholic hospitals and other health services provide invaluable care to many in the community. This article accentuates the pastoral nature of Catholic health care, which is definitive to its Catholic identity. Discussing contemporary Catholic health care in conjunction with the works of Henri Nouwe...n we explore the challenges faced by today’s Catholics in Catholic health care and respond to these issues. In support of the discussion are the results of qualitative research into the perceptions Perth parishioners have of Catholic health care’s pastoral nature and Catholic identity. This research aims towards understanding the challenges facing Catholic health care providing pastoral care within its Catholic identity.
A learning resource for facilitators, parents, caregivers, and persons with cerebral palsy | Version 1 - Released March 2008
A learning resource for facilitators, parents, caregivers, and persons with cerebral palsy | Version 1 - Released March 2008
This is only the cover of the book. Download the whole Toolkit at:
Understanding the reproductive health needs of conflict-affected women will enable organizations to implement and enhance programs and services to improve the health of women and their fam...ilies. The Reproductive Health Assessment Toolkit (RHA) for Conflict-Affected Women provides user-friendly tools to quantitatively assess the reproductive health needs of conflict-affected women aged 15–49 years. The RHA Toolkit enables field staff to collect data to inform program planning, monitoring, evaluation, and advocacy. It promotes using the collected data to enhance services and improve the reproductive health of women and their families.