The document "Global Report on Diabetes" by the World Health Organization (WHO) provides an in-depth analysis of diabetes as a global health challenge. It covers the rising prevalence of the disease, the associated risk factors, and the increasing burden on healthcare systems, particularly in low- a...nd middle-income countries. The report discusses strategies for preventing Type 2 diabetes, managing diabetes effectively, and reducing complications through integrated healthcare approaches. It emphasizes the need for global action, national policies, and collaboration across sectors to address diabetes and improve health outcomes worldwide.
The article is a scoping review that explores the challenges in diagnosing asthma in children in three sub-Saharan African countries: Nigeria, South Africa, and Uganda. It identifies key barriers, such as a lack of community awareness, inadequate healthcare access, limited diagnostic tools like spir...ometry, and insufficient knowledge among healthcare workers. The review also highlights the stigma associated with asthma and the absence of relevant diagnostic guidelines. Solutions proposed include community education, development and adherence to diagnostic guidelines, and strengthening healthcare systems. The study aims to inform policymakers and healthcare providers to improve asthma diagnosis and care for children in these regions.
Air pollution is a major environmental risk factor and contributor to chronic, noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). However, most public health approaches to NCD prevention focus on behavioural and biomedical risk factors, rather than environmental risk factors such as air pollution. This article the implications of such a focus. It then outlines the opportunities for those in public health and environmental science to work together across three key areas to address air pollution, NCDs and climate change: (a) acknowledging the shared drivers, including corporate determinants; (b) taking a ‘co-benefits’ approach to NCD prevention; and (c) expanding prevention research and evaluation methods through investing in systems thinking and intersectoral, cross-disciplinary collaborations.
Diabetes is a serious, chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin (a hormone that regulates blood sugar, or glucose), or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Diabetes is an important public health problem, one of four priority noncom...municable diseases (NCDs) targeted for action by world leaders. Both the number of cases and the prevalence of diabetes have been steadily increasing over the past few decades.
Diabetes is a serious, chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin (a hormone that regulates blood sugar, or glucose), or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Diabetes is an important public health problem, one of four priority noncom...municable diseases (NCDs) targeted for action by world leaders. Both the number of cases and the prevalence of diabetes have been steadily increasing over the past few decades
The World Food Programme (WFP) has taken important steps to progress disability inclusion across its programming and operations. In late 2022, WFP commissioned the Nossal Institute, University of Melbourne in partnership with the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia to identify ...pathways for increasing disability inclusion in WFP’s emergency preparedness and response (EPR) programming.
The study explored WFP’s programming in Indonesia and the Philippines, including WFP’s advisory, technical assistance and service provision roles to government and partners and informed the development of this guide (see appendix 2). As general guidance on disability inclusion is increasingly available, the purpose of this guide is to contextualize disability inclusion in WFP’s emergency preparedness and response programming. The guide builds on core reference materials, such as the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action, 2019. While of wider relevance, this guide is directed at WFP’s EPR programming in Asia and the Pacific.
The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has had a continuous and robust impact on world health. The resulting COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating physical, mental and fiscal impact on the millions of people living with noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), as they have a higher risk of severe illness... and death from COVID-19. COVID-19 has been associated with an
excess in all-cause and cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality beyond that related to the infection itself and its immediate consequences. Studies in the
United Kingdom (UK) and United States of America (USA) have clearly shown increasing deaths from ischemic heart disease, stroke and hypertensive disease due to COVID-19. Overall, the impact has been greater in individuals with lower socioeconomic status, even in high income nations.
The report summarizes the estimates of the burden of disease attributable to unsafe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene for the year 2019 for four health outcomes - diarrhoea, acute respiratory infections, soil-transmitted helminthiases, and undernutrition - which are included in the reporting o...f the Sustainable Development Goal indicator 3.9.2. The report includes estimates at global, regional and country level for 183 WHO Member States.
This checklist is for any organization or person supporting the routine use of evidence in
the process of policy-making. Evidence-informed policy-making (EIPM) is essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and universal health coverage (UHC). Its importance is emphasized in WH...O’s Thirteenth General Programme of
Work 2019–2023 (GPW13). This checklist was developed by the WHO Secretariat of Evidence-Informed Policy Network (EVIPNet) to assist its Member countries in institutionalizing EIPM. Government agencies (i.e. the staff of the Ministry of Health),
knowledge intermediaries and researchers focused on strengthening EIPM will find in this checklist some key steps and tools to help their work. While the health sector is a key target group for EVIPNet, this tool can be applied by stakeholders from
different social sectors
This brief considers the rationale for shielding individuals at high risk of severe disease or death from COVID-19 in low- and middleincome countries. It provides an overview of proposed approaches to shielding, discusses the categories of individuals who may be identified for shielding, and outline...s the likely difficulties of these measures and ways to mitigate them.
El pediatra es el médico de cabecera de los niños pequeños y es el primero en ser consultado por las familias. Los padres esperan que el pediatra no solo sea un experto en atender al niño durante una enfermedad, sino que también lo sea en temas
vinculados al desarrollo. Las alteraciones del d...esarrollo son motivo frecuente de consulta en el ámbito pediátrico. La identificación temprana, el diagnóstico y el seguimiento de estos pacientes constituyen un verdadero desafío para los
médicos pediatras.Esta guía ofrece recomendaciones para la vigilancia del desarrollo, la pesquisa, la evaluación y el seguimiento de pacientes con
retrasos y discapacidades del desarrollo.
Psiquiatría y pediatría - Capítulo I.3
El progreso en la prevención y el tratamiento del VIH/SIDA en los últimos veinte años ha sido notable. Una enfermedad que inicialmente dio lugar a una rápida mortalidad se ha convertido en una enfermedad crónica. Tanto es así que un adolescente diagno...sticado con VIH puede esperar vivir 60 años o más, y será más propenso a sucumbir a las enfermedades del envejecimiento, como la enfermedad cardíaca, que a la infección por el VIH.
The major neglected tropical diseases, Taenia solium taeniosis/cysticercosis and schistosomiasis caused by Schistosoma mansoni or S. haematobium are presumed to be widely distributed in Africa. Taenia solium taeniosis/ cysticercosis has been reported as an emerging disease in different regions of Af...rica [1, 2], but currently the exact distribution remains unclear. Reported prevalences of T. solium taeniosis and cysticercosis in African countries are not extensive and are further complicated by the lack of ‘gold standard’ tests for diagnosis.
This training module is designed to equip health workers (HWs) with
knowledge, skills, confidence and resources to help them in their role to recommend the Human Papillomavirus
(HPV) vaccine.
Although Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) have been isolated from a variety of food production animals, they are most commonly associated with ruminants from which we derive meat and milk. Because of the widespread and diverse nature of ruminant-derived food production, coupled with the... near ubiquity of STEC worldwide, there is no single definitive solution for controlling STEC that will work alone or in all situations. Instead, the introduction of multiple interventions applied in sequence, as a “multiple-hurdle scheme” at several points throughout the food chain (including processing, transport and handling) will be most effective.
This report summarizes the review and evaluation of interventions applied for the control of STEC in cattle, raw beef and raw milk and raw milk cheese manufactured from cows’ milk, and also evaluates available evidence for other small ruminants, swine and other animals. The information is presented from primary production, to the end of processing, providing the reader with information on the currently available interventions based on the latest scientific evidence.
This work was undertaken to support the development of guidelines for the control of STEC in beef, raw milk and cheese produced from raw milk by the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH).
6 June 2022
These WHO interim recommendations on the use of the Janssen Ad26.COV2.S (COVID-19) vaccine were developed on the basis of advice issued by the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) and the evidence summary included in the background document referenced below. document has been updated: Version 6 June 2022.
scientific brief, 2 March 2022
O SAGE aplica os princípios da medicina baseada em evidências e estabeleceu um processo metodológico completo para emitir ou atualizar recomendações. Especificamente para vacinas contra a COVID-19, uma descrição detalhada dos processos metodológicos pode ser encontrada no esquema de evidênc...ias do SAGE para vacinas contra a COVID-19. Esse esquema contém orientações sobre como levar em consideração os dados provenientes de ensaios clínicos em apoio à emissão de recomendações baseadas em evidências específicas para vacinas.
Esta orientação provisória foi desenvolvida com base na recomendação emitida pelo Grupo Consultivo Estratégico de Especialistas (SAGE) em imunização, em sua reunião extraordinária de 5 de janeiro de 2021, e atualizada durante sua reunião extraordinária de 27 de maio de 2021 (2), sendo no...vamente atualizada em 19 de novembro de 2021 e em 19 de janeiro de 2022. Foram coletadas as declarações de interesses de todos os colaboradores externos, sendo elas avaliadas quanto a quaisquer conflitos de interesse. Os resumos dos interesses relatados podem ser encontrados no site da reunião do SAGE e no site do Grupo de Trabalho do SAGE. A orientação se baseia em evidências resumidas no documento de referência sobre a vacina de mRNA BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) contra COVID-19 (4), sendo novamente atualizado com base em novos dados provenientes de publicações científicas.