Case management is an approach at the core of social work. Case management is the process required for improving the quality of life for vulnerable children in need of care and protection. This manual is intended to support social workers in their case management role and reduce overall workload by ...ensuring case management processes are conducted efficiently with best outcomes for children.
This strategy takes into account the policies formulated by sectors with cross-cutting interests in school meals, such as education, health, social protection and agriculture.The strategy further complements the provisions of the National School Health Policy and the asso...ciated National School Health Guidelines (2009) into a school meals framework with six strategic objectives. Above all, the strategy encourages inter-ministerial coordination, multi-sectoral planning, stable funding and monitoring and evaluation for home-grown school meals to all children in Kenya.
This study is a theory-driven analysis of the socio-demographic determinants of maternal care seeking in Kenya. Specifically, it examines predisposing, enabling, and need factors potentially associated with use of antenatal care (ANC), health facility delivery, and timely postnatal care (PNC).This s...tudy uses data from the 2014 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS) conducted among women age 15-49 with a live birth in the five years preceding the survey. It includes data from all 47 counties of Kenya, grouped contiguously into 12regions.We apply Andersen’s Behavioral Model of Health Services Use to examine socio-demographic predictors of health service use.We estimate logistic regression models for adequate use of ANC (defined as attending at least four ANC visits, starting in the first three months of pregnancy), delivery in a health facility, and PNC within 48 hours of delivery.
The KNAP 2018 - 2022 is the second National Nutrition Action Plan that operationalizes the National Food and Nutrition Security Policy 2012 and its implementation framework (NFNSP-IF) 2017–2022.
Global Health Media Project developed the Small Baby Series to bring to life many life-saving practices such as how to keep premature babies warm with skin-to-skin care, and how to feed them with a cup or feeding tube before they’re strong enough to breastfeed.
25 videos are now available in Ara...bic, including eight videos on new born care, seven videos on the care of small babies and ten videos on breastfeeding.
Open Guidelines is brought to you on behalf of the paediatrics department of Queen Elizabeth
Central Hospital in Blantyre, Malawi. Our aim is to improve access to clinical guidelines for our
health care professionals.
Open guidelines has all the latest QECH clinical protocols and essential drug i...nformation. All
content can be downloaded and afterwards be accessed at any time. The app has a search function.
Total data volume for download is 15 MB. Also on the same app one can access COIN, an excellent neonatal and
infant training course.
nContraception and Reproductive Medicine (2017) 2:26 DOI 10.1186/s40834-017-0053-6
Young women in Burkina Faso and Mali are increasingly using modern contraceptives for family planning; however, the LAPM contraceptive prevalence rate remains low. Our analysis indicates that social norms around idea...l family size for both men and women continue to drive young women’s choices around family planning and impede use of LAPMs. To increase modern contraceptive use and curb fertility rates, local governments and development organizations should focus on women’s empowerment and include male partners.
Operational Guidelines for Planning and Implementation
A National Service Programme for All Children with Special Needs and their Families
In Myanmar, we estimate that at least 40% of children require ECI services for short to longer periods of time. At present, 35.1% of Myanmar children are moderately to severely stunted; all of these children are l...ikely to have one or more developmental delays. In addition, at least 5% to 12% of the nation’s children will be identified to have disabilities, chronic diseases or atypical behaviours.
Over time, approximately 70% of the children who will be served will improve in their development, attain expected levels of development for their age, and will consolidate their gains within one to two years. Other children, approximately 30%, will have lifelong disabilities or other conditions, and ECI services usually greatly improve their development and help them to achieve their full potential.
This five-day child protection case management training manual was developed to meet the needs of community child protection workers and other social workers working in tandem with the justice, health and law enforcement systems in Malawi.
Level of stunting among Bangladeshi children <5years declined from 51% in 2004 to 36% and underweight from 41% in 2007 to 33% (BDHS 2014). But the decrease in wasting rate is not as expected, which is only from 17% to 14.3 % over last decade. Approximately 3.1 % (BDHS 2014) of under-5 children suffe...ring from SAM only by weight-for-length or height z-score (WHZ) <-3 criterion and estimated to be a total of ~ 450,000. Because, there are no national information on prevalence of SAM using mid upper arm circumference (MUAC) and presence of bipedal oedema in under-5 children, thus the actual number of children suffering from SAM could be much higher than the current estimate.
Expanding access to quality health services through task sharing
Document on the commitment of the Government of Rwanda at the Family Planning Summit in London, UK on July 11, 2017.
2nd edition. Children with TB comprise about 10-12% of the total TB cases diagnosed in the country. This burden is likely to be higher given the challenges in diagnosing TB in children. The symptoms of TB in children mimic those of other childhood diseases. Children do not readily expectorate and th...ey have pauci-bacillary TB hence some will be missed using bacteriological tests. The government has however introduced GeneXpert molecular testing that is more sensitive than microscopy in detecting TB. Health care workers therefore need a reference guide to obtaining sputum from children for testing. Treatment of TB in children has been reviewed and now includes Ethambutol. There are now improved paediatric friendly TB medicines for treatment of TB in children and health care workers need a reference guide to enable them accurately dispense the TB medicine to children. Malnutrition is a common predisposing factor for TB in children. On the other hand, TB predisposes children to malnutrition or worsens an existing state of malnutrition. Nutrition care and support forms an integral part of treatment for a child with TB disease.