Guidelines for essential trauma care. Russian Version
CFCA PRACTICE RESOURCE – JUNE 2016 ~ CHILD FAMILY COMMUNITY AUSTRALIA┃INFORMATION EXCHANGE ~ This practice paper provides an overview of what we know from research about cognitive development in children who have experienced trauma, and provides principles to support
effective practice to those children’s trauma.
Objective: To review research on associations of trauma type with PTSD in the WHO World Mental Health (WMH) surveys, a series of epidemiological surveys that obtained representative data on trauma-specific PTSD.
Young children are especially susceptible to exposure to trauma. Rates of abuse and neglect among this population are staggering. This article presents a review of relevant literature, including research findings specific to early childhood vulnerability to trauma, symptoms associated with traumatic... events, diagnostic validity of early childhood trauma, and treatments for young children. In the past, misconceptions about the mental health of young children have hindered accurate diagnosis and treatment of trauma-related mental illness. Due to the prevalence of trauma exposure in early childhood, counselors are encouraged to become familiar with ways that clients and families are impacted and methods for treatment. Implications for future research also are presented.
EVALUATION REPORT | Esta evaluación es el primer ejercicio mundial de carácter amplio para examinar la respuesta programática del UNICEF en la protección de la infancia en situaciones de emergencia. Su objetivo es fortalecer los programas de protección de la infancia mediante la evaluación del... desempeño en los últimos años y extraer lecciones y recomendaciones que influyan en los programas actuales y futuros. Se espera que los resultados de la evaluación sirvan de base para la puesta en marcha del Plan Estratégico de 2014 a 2017. El diseño de la evaluación incluye estudios de caso de países que analizan los resultados en favor de la infancia con respecto al plan estratégico de mediano plazo (PEMP), los compromisos básicos y preguntas de evaluación seleccionadas. Doce países proporcionaron datos para el análisis, cuatro como estudios de caso con visitas a los países e informes independientes (Colombia, Pakistán, República Democrática del Congo y Sudán del Sur) y otros ocho países con estudios documentales (Afganistán, Estado de Palestina, Filipinas, Haití, Myanmar, Somalia, Sri Lanka y Sudán). Cuatro de los países (Filipinas, Haití, Myanmar y Pakistán) son países afectados por desastres y contextos repentinos, mientras que el resto son sobre todo contextos de conflictos prolongados que incluyen levantamientos violentos repentinos8
EVALUATION REPORT | The purpose of the evaluation is to strengthen child protection programming in the context of emergencies by assessing UNICEF’s performance and drawing lessons and recommendations that will influence ongoing and future programmes, in both preparedness and response. Apart from g...lobal and regional interviews and desk reviews, the evaluation is grounded in a solid base of evidence from four indepth case studies of recent emergency responses, in Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pakistan and South Sudan, as well as extensive research covering eight additional countries.
EVALUATION REPORT. This report is a synthesis of the evaluation of UNICEF's response to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in Indonesia that was undertaken in August 2008 to July 2009. The evaluation assessed UNICEF's response in four sectors where it had major involvement: child protection; basic educat...ion; water, sanitation and hygiene; and child and maternal health and nutrition.
This report is a comprehensive statistical overview of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in the 29 countries where the practice is concentrated. Analysis of the data reflects current perspectives on FGM/C, informed by the latest policy, programmatic and theoretical evidence.
Every five minutes a child dies as the result of violence, according to a ground-breaking report from Unicef UK. The report reveals that the vast majority of children are killed outside warzones and that physical, sexual and emotional abuse is widespread with millions of children unsafe in their, schools and communities. Some 345 children could die from violence each day in the next year, unless governments act.
The report also finds that:
(1) Children who are victims of violence have brain activity similar to soldiers exposed to combat;
(2) A third of children who are victims of violence are likely to develop long-lasting symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder;
(3) Those living in poverty are more likely to be victims of violence, wherever they live in the world;
(4) Over 7% of child deaths due to violence each day are the result of interpersonal violence, rather than conflict.
African Journal of Laboratory Medicine | Vol 7, No 2 | a770 | 06 December 2018
India | The ‘Standard Operating Procedures for Care, Protection and Rehabilitation of Children in Street Situations’, is a unique endeavour to streamline the processes and interventions regarding Children in Street Situations, based on the prevailing legal and policy framework.
Education in emergencies is a young area; the evidence of its impact is often anecdotal, and although its status as a humanitarian concern has gained legitimacy in recent years, it has yet to be accepted across the humanitarian community. Much more needs to be done to enhance our understanding of t...he links between education and child protection in emergency situations.
DIAGNOSING PTSD IN CHILDHOOD | The following literature review addresses the developmental and domain-specific consequences of previous and current diagnostic criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in pre-adolescent children. PTSD was introduced in 1980 to capture extreme responses a traumatic event. I analyze the evolution of the disorder’s diagnostic criteria toward a more developmentally conscious structure. I also examine instances in which these criteria lack developmental consistency: (1) preschool PTSD is the only diagnostic subtype despite the fact that childhood development also differentiates traumatic expressions in older children from adolescents and adults; and (2) many of the PTSD epidemiological data that have been reanalyzed under the most recent (DSM-5) typology only refer to adolescent and adult samples although many researchers have
demonstrated that developmental alterations to DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR criteria produce significantly higher prevalence rates in children.
This checklist will help child psychosocial support and Child Friendly Space supervisors adhere to quality standards during program implementation. This checklist was developed by consultant Nicole Bohl, based on her previous work with Plan International and Save the Children. It has been adapted input from CRS EMECA Core Team members.
Background: Little is known about post-traumatic stress (PTSD) prevalence rates in community samples. This is especially true for the African continent where child-soldiers, HIV/AIDS affected and orphans have been the target for PTSD prevalence studies. Objectives: The aim of this study is to invest...igate the indirect and direct exposure to 20 potentially traumatic events and its relation with PTSD in a Ugandan sample of senior 3rd year students and to perform cross-cultural comparisons with previous studies examining this age group. Socio-economic status, coping styles, negative affect, and somatization are further examined.
The Guidelines for the Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Leprosy provide state-of-the-art knowledge and evidence on leprosy diagnosis, treatment and prevention based on a public health approach in endemic countries. The target audience of this document includes policy-makers in leprosy or infec...tious diseases in the ministries of health (especially but not limited to endemic countries), nongovernmental organizations, clinicians, pharmaceutical companies, donors and affected persons
Cholera is a diarrhoeal disease that is usually contracted when drinking water contaminated with Vibrio cholerae bacteria. The fight against this disease requires a multidisciplinary approach that combines a water, hygiene and sanitation (WaSH) response with a monitoring system, improved water suppl...y and quality, sanitation and hygiene, and a health response with the treatment of the disease itself.
The report studied child poverty in nine dimensions – development/stunting, nutrition, health, water, sanitation, and housing. Other dimensions included education, health related knowledge, and information and participation.
An estimated 36 million of a total population of 41 million children the age of 18 in Ethiopia are multi-dimensionally poor, meaning they are deprived of basic goods and services in at least three dimensions
ECDC MISSION REPORT 19–21 September 2016 ; 14–15 November 2016
European Union Standards for Tuberculosis Care 2017 Estonian Version