Integrated management of childhood illness. The last update was in the IMCI chart booklet in 2014, but since then there have been significant updates on the management of sick young infant (SYI) aged up to 2 months. This 2019 update of the sick young infant section Management of the sick young infan...t age up to 2 months: IMCI chart booklet. supersedes the 2014 IMCI chart booklet. The new updates reflect the recent guidelines on Managing possible serious bacterial infection (PSBI) in young infants when referral is not feasible published in 2015. It includes assessment, classification and referral of SYI with PSBI; and outpatient treatment of SYI with local infection or fast breathing (pneumonia) in infants 7-59 days old. Other updates include: a new section on how to reassess, classify and treat SYI with PSBI when referral is not feasible in outpatient health facilities by IMNCI trained health workers; changes in assessment and management of young infants for HIV infection; and identification of infants less than 7 days of who need Kangaroo Care.
Experiences from Indonesia, Kenya, Uganda and Ukraine
Of the 50 antibiotics in the pipeline, 32 target WHO priority pathogens but the majority have only limited benefits when compared to existing antibiotics. Two of these are active against the multi-drug resistant Gram-negative bacteria, which are spreading rapidly and require urgent solutions. bacteria, such as Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli, can cause severe and often deadly infections that pose a particular threat for people with weak or not yet fully developed immune systems, including newborns, ageing populations, people undergoing surgery and cancer treatment.
The report highlights a worrying gap in activity against the highly resistant NDM-1 (New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase 1), with only three antibiotics in the pipeline. NDM-1 makes bacteria resistant to a broad range of antibiotics, including those from the carbapenem family, which today are the last line of defence against antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections.
Effective Ebola risk communication requires respect and transparency and remains as vital
as ever. An assessment of changing communication needs and preferences in Beni, North Kivu.
In the second year of the current Ebola outbreak response in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), people at ris...k still don’t have clear answers to their questions about the disease in a language they understand. Many local health communicators are themselves confused about the disease prevention and treatment measures they promote. The language, content, and form of communication about Ebola affect how far people understand, trust and act upon it.
1PEP GUIDELINES | 2019 EDITION. The prevalence of both HIV and Hepatitis B is high in South Africa therefore there is a significant risk of acquiring these infections following exposure to infected material. Studies suggest that post- exposure prophylaxis (PEP) with highly active antiretroviral trea...tment (HAART) is highly effective in preventing HIV infection if taken correctly for the full recommended duration of 28 days, and that prophylaxis with Hepatitis B immunoglobulin and vaccination may prevent Hepatitis B infection if given soon after exposure. This update of the Western Cape guidelines for management of potentially infectious exposures is based on current evidence and guidelines issued by the WHO, NDoH and the SA HIV Clinicians Society. The key aim is to promote successful completion of the recommended ART regimen in the 28 day period of therapy, as well as prevent infection with Hepatitis B
The ICOPE guidance for person-centred assessment and pathways in primary care (ICOPE Handbook) helps community health and care workers put the recommendations outlined in the ICOPE Guidelines into practice. The Handbook assists with setting person-centred goals, screening for loss in a range of doma...ins of intrinsic capacity and assessing health and social care needs to develop a personalised care plan. The care plan may include multiple interventions to manage declines in intrinsic capacity, provide social care and support, support self-management and support caregivers. The domains of intrinsic capacity include cognitive decline, limited mobility, malnutrition, visual impairment, hearing loss and depressive symptoms.
This technical report presents the results of a cross-sectional survey conducted in Sarajevo, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, between June and August 2017, as part of the FEEDcities Project (Food Environment Description in cities – eastern Europe and central Asia).... The aim of the report is to describe the city’s local street food and takeaway food environment, exploring the characteristics of food vending sites, the industrially produced and homemade foods they typically offer, and the nutritional composition of these foods. Finally, the report provides guidance on how to address its findings through policy action.
The study was conducted through a bilateral partnership between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto, in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences, the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto (WHO registration 2015/591370 and 2017/698514) and the Institute of Public Health of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study was funded through a voluntary contribution of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and through a contribution made by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)/Swiss Government to a joint WHO/SDC project, “Reducing Health Risk Factors in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Developing and Advancing Modern and Sustainable Public Health Strategies, Capacities and Services to Improve Population Health”, implemented in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This technical report presents results from the FEEDcities Project – Eastern Europe and Central Asia, a cross-sectional survey conducted in Almaty, Aktau and Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan, between July and August 2017, to evaluate the local street food environment. It characterized the vending sites, the offered and the nutritional composition of the industrial and homemade foods available in these settings. The policy implications of the findings are outlined.
The study was conducted within a bilateral partnership between WHO and the Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto, in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences and the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto (WHO registration 2015/591370 and 2017/698514). The study was funded through a biennial collaborative agreement and joint programmes between the Government of Kazakhstan and United Nations agencies in Kazakhstan for Kyzylorda and Mangystau oblasts, a voluntary contribution by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Resolve to Save Lives project of Bloomberg Philanthropies.
This report challenges policy-makers and political leaders to tackle fossil fuel production and consumption as a health control issue, in the same way that smoking has been reduced and regulated. Fossil fuel combustion is a major source of toxic air pollution that kills 7 million people every year, ...almost the same as the number of deaths caused by tobacco smoking.
In 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) recognised air pollution as a major health risk factor. There is widespread public discussion about the effects of fossil fuel combustion and emissions on climate change… but what about the effect on our health? Climate change poses a threat not only to the health of the planet, but also to humans.
The case studies evaluated in this report offer examples of mechanisms that can be used to restrict the production and consumption of unhealthy commodities, so that the health, air pollution and climate communities can learn from one another, using shared approaches and language. These case studies show that the connection with health is a strong argument to support sustainable change.
BMC Public Health (2019) 19:1608
A discussion paper outlining the first steps in developing a nutrient profile model to drive changes to product composition and labelling and promotion practices in the WHO European Region
The aims of the guidance are to protect breastfeeding, prevent obesity and chronic diseases, promote a healthy... diet, and ensure caregivers receive clear and accurate information on infant and young child feeding.
This report summarizes the results of a 2018 survey of food and beverage marketing to children via television in the Kyrgyz Republic. It explores the extent and nature of children’s exposure to marketing for food high in saturated fat, free sugars and/or salt via television in the country. The stu...dy results can be used by policy-makers to restrict and regulate marketing of food high in saturated fat, free sugars and/or salt both on television and in other media.
The WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases organized an expert meeting on monitoring of digital marketing of unhealthy products to children and adolescents in June 2018. Based on that meeting, this report aims to provide a tool to support Member States in moni...toring digital marketing of unhealthy products to children; the resulting tool – the so-called CLICK monitoring framework – is flexible and can be adapted to national context. The report also describes current digital marketing strategies, the challenges arising from current practices, and some policy options to tackle digital marketing to children and adolescents.
This technical report presents results from the FEEDcities Project – eastern Europe and central Asia. This cross-sectional survey was conducted in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan in October 2016 to evaluate the local urban food environment. It characterized the vending sites, the food offered and the nutri...tional composition of the industrial and homemade street foods available in these settings. It also described the nutritional composition of ready-to-eat foods sold in supermarkets and at vending sites in food courts. The policy implications of the findings are outlined.
This technical report presents the results of a cross-sectional survey conducted in Banja Luka, the Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, between July and August 2017, as part of the FEEDcities Project (Food Environment Description in cities – eastern Europe and central Asia). The aim of the r...eport is to describe the city’s local street food and takeaway food environment, exploring the characteristics of food vending sites, the industrially produced and homemade foods they typically offer, and the nutritional composition of these foods. Finally, the report provides guidance on how to address its findings through policy action.
Over 244,000 displaced people remain in camps or camp-like situations in Kachin, Shan, Rakhine
and Kayin states. Children make up at least 50 per cent of this population, while women and„Myanmar: 2019 Humanitarian Needs Overview - Myanmar“. ReliefWeb. Zugegriffen 4. Januar 2019.
children together make up about 77 per cent. This includes approximately 97,000 people in
Kachin, 8,800 in Shan and 10,300 in Kayin who remain displaced as a result of the armed conflict.
It also includes about 128,000 people in Rakhine, the vast majority of whom are stateless, who
were displaced as a result of the violence in 2012.
Childhood obesity is a major public health problem globally, which could undermine progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Prevention is recognized as the most efficient means of curbing the epidemic; however, given the scale of the problem and the many children who need profes...sional support due to the severity of the disease and/or obesity-related complications, health systems all over Europe must take steps to develop obesity management systems. The aim of this project was to assess the response of health care delivery systems in 19 countries in the WHO European Region to the childhood obesity epidemic.
Calls for greater implementation research (IR) capacity came in the wake of compelling evidence that implementation strategies are critically important for the dissemination and facilitation of evidence-informed policies and interventions to tackle noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), thereby improving ...outcomes for both individuals and populations. However, at present, implementation of evidence-based interventions and policies is challenged by a gap in lack of academic research on how these cost–effective recommended interventions can be implemented in the context of local settings, especially those of low and middle-income.
How the Greek reception system is failing to protect the most vulnerable people seeking asylum.
Greece and its EU partners are failing pregnant women, unaccompanied children, victims of torture or sexual violence and other vulnerable people who seek protection in Europe. These people are being put risk by flawed processes and chronic understaffing in EU ‘hotspot’ camps on the Greek islands. They do not receive adequate support from the authorities that are legally responsible for protecting them and are being abandoned in overcrowded camps in squalid conditions. Many people live in unheated tents and do not have sufficient access to washing facilities and toilets, and winter is only making their situation worse
Immer wieder hören wir – in der inzwischen jahrzehntelangen
Lobbyarbeit der BAG – aus der Politik die Bitte, das Problem
der medizinischen Unterversorgung von Menschen ohne Papiere
zu „bebildern“: Wer sind diese Menschen? Wo liegen die Probleme in der gesundheitlichen Versorgung? Vor ...welchen praktischen Problemen, d.h. Sachzwängen, bürokratischen und rechtlichen Hürden stehen die Helfenden in den Anlaufstellen, die dort Hilfe leisten, wo der Zugang zum Gesundheitssystem versperrt ist? Die hier geschilderten Fälle aus der medizinischen Praxis sollen das humanitäre Problem besser nachvollziehbar machen.