Acta Med Peru. 2017;34(3):203-7
En el Perú, la elaboración de guías de práctica clínica tiene exigencia normativa desde el año
2005; sin embargo, su desarrollo ha ténido poco énfasis en la calidad metodológica de las mismas, prefiriendo el tipo narrativo. Desde hace varios años se esfuerzos dispersos para mejorar la calidad metodológica, principalmente que su elaboaración esté basada en evidencias científicas. Actualmente se cuenta con una nueva normativa que pone mayor enfasis en esta exigencia y algunas instituciones ya trabajan para adecuarse a estandares internacionales y poder generar impactos positivos en nuestro sistema de salud a través del adecuado desarrollo de guias de practica clínica en nuestro pais
This rapid review report has identified the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) options used in emergency settings, with decentralised wastewater treatment systems (DEWATS) and mobile wastewater treatment units performing most effectively and with minimal costs. Examples are taken from refugee camps a...nd internally displaced people (IDP) settlements due to the Iraq war, the Israeli-Palestine conflict, and the civil wars in Syria and Sudan. WWTP options used in Finland, Haiti, Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Sudan and Turkey are discussed. Lessons learned from China and suggestions for the Rohingya crisis are also included.
This progress report reflects achievements made during the first year of implementation (through December 2016), as countries have taken actions in line with new or existing national strategies. The most recent data on country progress in 2016 are based on country-reported data and country-developed... models using Spectrum software that were reported to UNAIDS in 2017.
Glob Health Sci Pract; March 24, 2017, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 44-56
Chapter A.14
Received Date: Jun 15, 2017; Accepted Date: Jun 28, 2017; Published Date: Jun 30, 2017
Citation: Etindele Sosso FA, Nakamura O, Nakamura M (2017) Epidemiology of Alzheimer’s Disease: Comparison between Africa and South America. J Neurol Neurosci Vol.8 No.4:204. DOI: 10.21767/2171-6625.1000204
In this edition, the Antimicrobial Resistance chapter discusses the growing, dangerous trend of antimicrobial resistance and the potential catastrophic consequences on global health.
Chapter 1 of Frontier 2017: Emerging Issues of Environmental Concern
.This assessment was conducted using focus group discussion(FGD)with peopleliving with disabilities who were members of the Ethiopian National Association of the Deaf(Person with hearing impairment), Ethiopian National Association of the Deaf -Blind ( Person with hearing and visual impairment), Ethi...opian National Association of the Blind (Person with visual impairment), Ethiopian National Association of the Physically Handicapped (Person with physical impairment), Ethiopian National Association of Intellectual Disability (Person with intellectual disability). In total 152 people living with disabilities participated in the discussion groups.Results from the assessment were analysed based on themes and are presented by each group in the following report.
Standard Treatment Guidelines
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Clinical Infectious Diseases® 2016;62(12):1586–94
PLOS Medicine | DOI:10.1371/journal.pmed.1002088 August 23, 2016
Product:BDFACSCountTM InstrumentSystemwithFACSCountTM ControlKitandBD FACSCountTM CD4ReagentKit(AbsoluteandPercentageCD4+Counts)
Number: PQDx 0133-045-00
0133-045-00 WHO
June/2016, version 2.0
Clinical Infectious Diseases
1586 - 1594 • CID 2016:62 (15 June) • HIV/AIDS