Following flood levels of the hydrological stations monitored in Niamey (Niger Republic) and Malan Ville (Benin Republic) reaching the red alert zone, torrential rainfall and ensuing floods affected 91,254 people or 15,209 households in Jigawa, Kebbi, Kwara, Sokoto, and Zamfara state (amongst other ...states) of Nigeria on 6 October 2020. The flood incident was caused by the intensity of the rainfalls at the peak of the flood season and the release of dams located in neighbouring Niger, Cameroon, and Benin, which resulted in the Benue and Niger rivers overflowing and affecting communities living along their banks and in surrounding areas.
In many conflicts around the world, more children die from diseases linked to unsafe water than from direct violence. UNICEF is releasing Water Under Fire volume 3, a report that highlights the issues children face in accessing water in times of war. The report demonstrates the humanitarian impact o...n children through case studies from Iraq, State of Palestine, Syria, Yemen, and Ukraine. Attacks on water, sanitation services and staff must stop.
Les menstruations sont une réalité naturelle de la vie qui revient tous les mois pour 1,8 milliard de filles et de femmes en âge de procréer. Or, dans le monde entier, des millions de personnes ayant des menstruations1 se voient refuser le droit de gérer leur cycle menstruel mensuel d’une man...ière saine et digne. Les filles et les femmes handicapées se heurtent à des difficultés encore plus grandes en ce qui a trait à la gestion de leurs règles d’une façon hygiénique et avec dignité
Alors que de nombreux pays touchés par le COVID-19 au cours des premiers mois de l'année commencent maintenant à assouplir les mesures de confinement à mesure que les taux d'infection et de mortalité diminuent, dans les régions les plus touchées par le VIH, la tuberculose et le paludisme, l'Afrique, l'Asie du Sud et l'Amérique latine, la pandémie continue de s'accélérer. Dans les environnements à faibles ressources, les mesures de confinement sont moins efficaces et difficiles à maintenir, et les installations de soins cliniques sont extrêmement limitées. Dans de tels environnements, la réponse à COVID-19 doit se concentrer sur l'endiguement de la propagation de la pandémie par le dépistage, la recherche des contacts et l'isolement, la protection du personnel de santé par la formation et la fourniture d'équipements de protection individuelle (EPI) et la réduction de l'impact sur d'autres maladies par le renforcement des systèmes de santé fragiles et l'adaptation des programmes existants.
Almost 25% of deaths worldwide could be prevented if the actions in the compendium were fully implemented
This compendium provides a systematic compilation of published guidance from WHO and other UN organizations on health and environment. Guidance on policies and actions as well as awareness and capacity building interventions is presented for all major areas of health and environment. Guidance referring to priority settings for action such as cities and other urban settlements, housing, workplaces and health care facilities is also listed.
For greater practical relevance, each guidance is classified according to principally involved sectors, level of implementation and instruments for implementation.
The compilation of guidance for each area of health and environment or priority setting for action is accompanied, as available, by information on main sources, exposure assessment and existing guideline values. Important tools and further resources are presented alongside.
The Compendium of data and evidence-related tools for use in TB planning and programming was developed as a companion document to the People-centred framework for tuberculosis programme planning and prioritization – user guide, published by the World Health Organization (WHO)... in 2019. The compendium is intended to support implementation of the people-centred framework user guide. It can also be used independently to inform decisions taken by national tuberculosis (TB) programmes about the implementation of the tools included in this document.
Drawing light from the pandemic: A new strategy for health and sustainable development (2021)
Available in English, French, German and Russian
Временное руководство (Первый выпуск 24 мая 2021 г., Обновлено 21 октября 2021 г., Обновлено 15 марта 2022 г.
Orientations provisoires 19 juillet 2021
La presente publicación describe la evidencia científica publicada respecto a la hipertensión como factor pronóstico en pacientes con COVID-19. Se identificó una revisión sistemática que evaluó diferentes desenlaces de pronóstico en pacientes con hipertensión y diagnóstico confirmado de C...OVID-19 con evidencia procedente de treinta estudios.
Esta publicación pertenece al compendio Publicaciones Minsa sobre COVID-19.
La presente publicación describe un resumen de la evidencia científica disponible sobre el uso de Cloroquina e hidroxicloroquina, así como su profilaxis y tratamiento para COVID-19.
Esta publicación pertenece al compendio Publicaciones Minsa sobre COVID-19
Issue Brief no. 16. 20 Sept 2021.
Many studies have shown the effectiveness of vaccination against COVID-19 and that it protects against severe
illness. A high vaccination rate is needed to combat the pandemic worldwide. Due to misinformation and myths,
there is still a great hesitancy to vaccina...te . With this Issue Brief, we would like to present various myths and provide
you with educational materials on the respective topics for communication in the MEDBOX
Cet article fait partie d’une série d’explications à propos de la mise au point et de la distribution des vaccins.
Available in different languages
Document d'orientation pour le personnel de santé