Ce document fournit des orientations provisoires sur la qualité, les caractéristiques de performance et les normes connexes des équipements de protection individuelle (EPI) à utiliser dans le contexte de COVID-19. Il s'agit notamment des dispositifs médicaux prioritaires de l'OMS, à savoir : l...es masques chirurgicaux, les masques non chirurgicaux, les gants, les lunettes de protection, les écrans faciaux, les blouses et les masques N95. Il est destiné aux organismes d'approvisionnement, aux services de santé au travail, aux services ou points focaux de prévention et de contrôle des infections, aux administrateurs d'établissements de santé, aux ingénieurs biomédicaux et des matériaux, aux fabricants d'EPI et aux autorités de santé publique, tant au niveau national qu'au niveau des établissements.
The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to describe the detailed process on how to manage discarded COVID-19 vaccine vials and associated waste after COVID-19 vaccination activities end. The SOP provides clear instructions on how to perform the appropriate treatment and safe dispos...al of these wastes to minimize any associated health risk with consideration to local context.
Mosby’s Pocket Guide to Nursing Skills and Procedures, eighth edition, is
a practical, portable reference for students and practitioners in the
clinical setting. Grouped alphabetically, 85 commonly performed skills
are presented in a clear, step-by-step format that includes:
■ Purpose for pe...rforming each skill
■ Guidelines to help students in delegating tasks to assistive
■ List of equipment required
■ Rationales to explain why specific techniques are used
■ Full-color photographs and drawings to provide visual
In addition, Safety Alerts are included in the skills to highlight important
information about patient safety and effective performance.
Current Standard Precautions guidelines from the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention are incorporated throughout. Preprocedure
and postprocedure protocols are conveniently located on the inside
back cover.
To help trainers to create awareness,attitude and skills in waste handlers in day to day management of medical waste in health care settings.
La publicación describe el método aplicado en los laboratorios que han realizado la validación, como un método rápido de tamizaje para la detección de resistencia a isoniacida y rifampicina en muestras de esputo de pacientes con tuberculosis pulmonar que aún no hayan iniciado tratamiento anti...tuberculosis, pacientes nunca tratados, recaídas o abandonos recuperados con frotis positivo o negativo.
Analysis on World about Agriculture, Food and Nutrition and more; published on 23 Sep 2021 by ECA, ECLAC and 3 other organizations
This collection of posters are intended for health care workers, biomedical engineers and staff of health facilities in charge of caring, cleaning, decontaminating and sterilizing respiratory medical equipment in hospitals and health facilities. They include checklists to ensure the optimal infectio...n prevention and control during their use and between patients.
They describe the procedures to follow (Checklists) to clean, decontaminate and sterilize different respiratory devices:
Oxygen concentrators,
Non-invasive mechanical ventilation equipment: High flow nasal cannula, BiPAP/CPAP,
Mechanical ventilators,
Pulse oximeters and monitors.
Kenya Quality Model for Health - Health Facilities
This second edition of the Infection prevention and control in the context of coronavirus disease (COVID-19): A living guideline provides the most up to date technical guidance on mask use in community settings in the context of COVID-19.
In this edition, new information includes updated mask re...commendations for children in community settings including updated age specific recommendations, statements for children with disabilities and those at high risk for complications related to COVID-19 infection. Updated implementation considerations for mask use in school settings are also included.
This living guideline is being published using the MAGICApp online publishing platform https://app.magicapp.org/#/guideline/Lr2a8L , as well as in PDF copy on the WHO website.
These guidelines form part of efforts to institutionalize the prevention and containment of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in healthcare facilities in South Africa, as outlined in the Antimicrobial Resistance Strategic Framework and Implementation Plan. The focus of these guidelines is on two interr...elated aspects of prevention of healthcare associated infections (HAIs) and their spread; and the application of antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) practices at hospital level. They aim to serve as a practical, step-by-step or ‘how-to’ guide, addressing the infection prevention and AMS components of a robust response in a hospital. They draw on
evidence from various international guidance documents and standards for interventions that have been shown to be successful in infection
prevention and AMS programmes. These interventions have been customised to the South African hospital setting based on local
experiences in the public and private health sectors. This was done through a series of workshops and requests for comment involving
country-level experts.
Research Programme on Religious Communities and Sustainable Development Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Children without access to safe water are more likely to die in infancy -- and throughout childhood -- from diseases caused by
water-borne bacteria, to which their small bodies are more vulnerable.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17(23), 8849; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17238849
The aim of building climate resilient and environmentally sustainable health care facilities is: (a) to enhance their capacity to protect and improve the health of their target communities in an unstable... and changing climate; and (b) to empower them to optimize the use of resources and minimize the release of pollutants and waste into the environment. Such health care facilities contribute to high quality of care and accessibility of services and, by helping reduce facility costs, also ensure better affordability. They are an important component of universal health coverage.
2nd edition. This Permagarden Technical Manual is a resource for agriculture project staff implementing home garden projects with farmers. The manual explains how the permagarden method addresses soil health, water management and crop protection to create a year-round productive home garden. It incl...udes an explanation of the purpose and reasoning behind the method, as well as instructions on how to implement the different practices