The roadmap describes the actions needed to
achieve the three development goals for TB
vaccines set by the WHO:
1. A safe, effective and affordable TB vaccine
for adolescents and adults.
2. An affordable TB vaccine for neonates and
infants with improved safety and efficacy.
3. A therapeutic v...accine to improve TB
treatment outcomes
Explainer for countries based on commonly asked questions
12 November 2020
This document aims to explain how COVAX vaccines will be allocated amongst participants.
The Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) 2011-2020, endorsed by Member States during the May 2012 World Health Assembly, has set ambitious targets to improve access to immunization and tackle vaccine-preventable diseases. This responsibility has been translated into firm commitments in February 2016, t...hrough the signature of the Addis Declaration on Immunization (ADI) by African Ministers and subsequently endorsed by the Heads of States from across Africa at the 28th African Union Summit held in January 2017. This commitment from the highest level of government comes as a catalyst to immunization efforts on the continent to deliver on the promise of universal immunization
The checklist tool described in this handbook is intended for EU/EEA public health authorities who need to assess the capacity for communicable disease prevention and control at migrant reception/detention centres hosting migrants for weeks/months (medium-term) in order to identify gaps and set prio...rities for development.
Using this tool, the aim is to monitor and support capacity development to prevent the onset and improve the management of communicable disease outbreaks at medium-term migration reception/detention centres, both on a day-to-day basis and in the event of a sudden influx of migrants.
The objective of this document is to guide the preparation and implementation of national preparedness plans for the safety of substances of human origin during outbreaks of Zika virus infection, both in affected and non-affected areas.
The WHO Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI)’s new Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan targets the end of all kinds of polioviruses by 2018, including the wild and rare vaccine-related strains which cause paralysis among thousands of children worldwide. The plan is focused on and deploying a shot version of the anti-polio vaccine to replace the current oral variant, which is known to occasionally cause the same disease that it is supposed to prevent. This document is intended for the use of individuals and organizations involved in polio eradication efforts
The occurrence of a case of wild polio in a previously polio free area as presently in Syria, whether through importation, laboratory accident, or mutation of vaccine virus (VDPV), should be considered a public health emergency, that requires a rapid and high quality response as utmost priority
National Operationalisation Plan for the COVID-19 Vaccine : 13th edition
Rabies is entirely preventable, and vaccines, medicines, tools and technologies have long
been available to prevent people from dying of dog-mediated rabies. Nevertheless, rabies still
kills about 60 000 people a year, of whom over 40% are children under 15, mainly in rural areas
of economically ...disadvantaged countries in Africa and Asia. Of all human cases, up to 99% are
acquired from the bite of an infected dog.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes the challenges countries face for maintaining their COVID-19 response while addressing competing public health challenges, conflicts, climate change and economic crises.
It remains critical for national programmes to continue to offer testing for COVI...D-19 in line with three main objectives: reduce morbidity and mortality through linkage to prompt care and treatment, reduce onward transmission and track the evolution of the epidemic and the virus
Savoir pour Sauver rassemble des informations qui permettent de sauver la vie d’enfants, d’améliorer leur existence et de les protéger. Ces informations devraient être diffusées à grande échelle auprès des familles, des agents de santé, des enseignants, des associations de jeunes ou de f...emmes, des organisations communautaires, des fonctionnaires, des employeurs, des syndicats, des médias et des organisations non gouvernementales, ainsi que confessionnelles.
Weekly epidemiological update on COVID-19, 28 September 2022
El presente protocolo se aplica en las Instituciones Prestadoras de Servicios de Salud del Ministerio de Salud, a través de las Direcciones de Redes Integradas de Servicios de Salud y de los gobiernos regionales, a través de las Direcciones Regionales de Salud o Gerencias Regionales de Salud , EsS...alud, Sanidad de las Fuerzas Armadas y Policiales y las entidades privadas.
En el documento encontrarás consideraciones generales y específicas, así como información sobre el flujo de atención (admisión, triaje, punto de vacunación, monitoreo y observación), entre otros.
Когда возникают ситуации, при которых нежелательные явления справедливо или ошибочно связывают с вакцинацией, они могут подорвать доверие к вакцинам и официальны...м органам, осуществляющим их введение. Этот документ предоставляет научные данные, помимо рекомендаций ВОЗ, относительно создания и восстановления доверия к вакцинам и вакцинации как в процессе осуществления работы, так и в период кризисных ситуаций. Данные привлекают внимание к широкому набору научных лабораторных фактов и фактам, полученным при полевых работах в области психологии и коммуникаций. Он рассматривает, как люди принимают решения по поводу вакцинации; почему некоторые лица не доверяют вакцинации; и факторы, которые вызывают критические ситуации, уделяя внимание тому, как создавать доверие, слушать и понимать людей, создавать взаимоотношения, сообщать о рисках и формировать сообщения для аудитории, что может смягчать кризисные ситуации. Этот документ предоставляет базисные знания заинтересованным сторонам, которые разрабатывают коммуникационные стратегии или содействуют проведению семинаров по коммуникациям и деятельности по созданию доверия в связи с вакцинами и иммунизацией, таким как подразделения программы иммунизации, министры здравоохранения, подразделения по связи с общественностью и укреплению здоровья, преподаватели по коммуникации относительно безопасности вакцин и консультативные органы по иммунизации
La miocarditis es una enfermedad inflamatoria con compromiso focal o difuso del miocardio, que se presenta de forma fulminante, pudiendo ser aguda, subaguda o crónica.Las que poseen un nivel de gravedad suficiente para reconocerlas clínicamente, son raras, pero la prevalencia de los casos leves y ...asintomáticos probablemente sea más elevada.
COVID-19 Vaccines: 1 Safety Surveillance 2 Manual
While there is no indication that pregnant women have an increased susceptibility to infection with SARS-CoV-2, there is evidence that pregnancy may increase the risk of severe illness and mortality from COVID-19 disease in comparison with non-pregn...ant women of reproductive age. As seen with non-pregnant women, a high proportion of pregnant women have asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe disease is associated with recognized medical (e.g., high body-mass index (BMI), diabetes, pre-existing pulmonary or cardiac conditions) and social (e.g., social deprivation, ethnicity) risk factors. Pregnant women with symptomatic COVID-19 appear to have an increased risk of intensive care unit admission, mechanical ventilation and death in comparison with non-pregnant women of reproductive age, although the absolute risks remain low. COVID-19 may increase the risk of preterm birth, compared with pregnant women without COVID-19, although the evidence is inconclusive.