Contains many illustrations of all country materials – of risk factors, treatment procedures, side effects, coping, healthy lifestyle, and more; Promotes cancer screening, especially for breast and cervical cancer, and gives local resources; Educates about local cancer risk factors, e.g., HIV infe...ction, ‘burning buvera or breathing in diesel fumes'; Emphasizes the need to avoid tobacco and heavy alcohol use
A guide for patients and caregivers
Unachohitaji kujua kuhusu saratani kwa matumizi ya wagonjwa na wauguzi.
A job aid for use by health workers when educating clients and their family members about cancer; Each page has a large illustration to share with patients, with talking points on the reverse side; Presents similar content to patient/caregiver booklet; Includes a page on patient rights (e.g., right to confidentiality, right to be treated with dignity and respect).
This booklet avises on how to deal with unexpected emotions; changes in family routines and the relationship with the patient; Offers helpful tips on how to advocate for the patient within the health system and the community; Helps caregivers know what to expect when the end of life is near; Gi...ves tips on how to ask others for help; self-care.
Swahili Version of Administration of parenteral antibiotics.Translation and voice over thanks to Alex Mureithi and Zawadi Machibya and their colleagues at the BBC Swahili Service.
This film shows how to give antibiotics correctly during pregnancy. It explains the “6 rights” of drug administra...tion – the right drug, the right patient, the right dose, the right time, the right route, and the right paperwork.
The film is for use in health worker training
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children and adolescents occurs as a result of a child’s exposure to one or more traumatic events: actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence. The victim may experience the event, witness it, learn about it from close family members or fr...iends, or experience repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details of the event. Potentially traumatic events include physical or sexual assaults, natural disasters, and accidents.
Leitfaden für Ärzt:innen im Patient:innen- und Bürger:innengespräch
Informationen rund um die Corona-Schutzimpfung
Diese Informationen sind zur Weitergabe an Patient:innen und Bürger:innen.
Mit diesen Hilfen werden medizinische Teams in den Impfzentren und medizinisches Personal unterstützt: detaillierte Impf-Anamnese in Wort und Bild auf vier Seiten, Leitfaden zum effizienten Patientenmanagement vor Ort, wichtige Hintergrund-Infos zu möglichen Nebenwirkungen, hygienisch laminiert. ... Es gibt zahlreiche Übersetzungen für Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund
Nichts ist so wichtig wie eine funktionierende Kommunikation zwischen Arzt und Patient. Unser Hauptfokus liegt hierbei auf Menschen, die wenig bis kein Deutsch können (oftmals mit Migrationshintergrund). Diesen muss vor Ort oder im Pflegeheim erklärt werden, was die Impfung gegen COVID-19 bedeutet. Und zuvor sollte eine ausführliche Impf-Anamnese erfolgen, die wir Ihnen hiermit ermöglichen.
Sie können die verschiedenen Sprachen hier bestellen.
Wir unterstützen Ärzte und Pfleger, damit diese sich mit Patienten möglichst eindeutig verständigen können. Dafür hat ein Team eben aus Ärzten, Pflegern und Medizin-Studierenden weltweit eine Liste aller wichtigen Symptome als Fragebogen zusammengetragen. Für Patienten, die nicht die Sprache... des medizinischen Personals sprechen, sind die Details illustriert.
Nichts ist so wichtig wie eine funktionierende Kommunikation zwischen Arzt und Patient. Unser Hauptfokus liegt hierbei auf Menschen, die wenig bis kein Deutsch können (oftmals mit Migrationshintergrund).
Sie können die verschiedenen Sprachen hier bestellen.
Here you will find poster for vaccination sites, patient care areas, at the entrances, hand hygiene, PPE, Cleaning
Here you will find poster for vaccination sites, patient care areas, at the entrances, hand hygiene, PPE, Cleaning
Our target end-users are those with limited literacy. It is a challenging task to achieve success in this group as so much of what is "obvious" to those of us with good literacy skills is totally obscure to those who have never had the opportunity to learn the meaning of e.g. an arrow shape and what... it is meant to represent. Our pictograms have been tested mainly in our local Xhosa population, so we cannot guarantee universal generalisability (as is the case for any other pictograms). Categories in the database include Dosage and frequency; Route of administration; Additional medicine instructions; Side effects or indications; Storage of medicines; Tablets, capsules, bottles, droppers; Miscellaneous; TB-related pictograms
A common application relates to their use with medicines where they may serve to convey instructions, precautions, storage requirements, warnings, as well as medicine indication or side effects to patients or consumers. Many examples of diverse application of pictograms in the health literature have been described including health promotion materials, wound care instructions, asthma prevention and treatment, injury prevention, discharge instructions, self-care guidance, paediatric anaphylaxis plan, organ and body donation, CT scan risks and benefits, driving risks, safety symbols, decision aids for treatment, and patient-reported outcomes dashboards, amongst others.