Accessed 3rd of October 2015
Health Information Translations provides education resources in multiple languages for health care professionals and others to use in their communities. Resources are easy to read and culturally appropriate.
This bilingual booklet is available in following languages: Russian/German, Turkish/German, English/German, French/German, Romanian/German, Bulgarian/German, Arabic/German.
For the other language versions check:
Version-1, June 2018
This document provides 3MDG stakeholders with essential information on SRHR indicators, derived from the 3MDG Logical Framework, Data Dictionary for Health Service Indicators (2014 June, DoPH, MoHA), A Guide to Monitoring and Evaluating Adolescent Reproductive Health (MEASURE Evaluation, June 2000) and Monitoring National Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Programmes (WHO, PAHO, 2013). Partners are strongly encouraged to integrate the SRHR indicators into their ongoing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities.
These indicators are designed to help partners assess the current state of their activities, their progress towards achieving their targets, and contribution towards the national response. This guideline is designed to improve the quality and consistency of data collected at the township level, which will enhance the accuracy of conclusions drawn when the data are aggregated.
A supplement to The State of the World’s Children Report 2009
As global concern grows for the spread of the monkeypox virus, Wolters Kluwer is providing a number of free resources and clinical information to clinicians, nurses, and medical researchers. Resources will be updated as new information becomes available.
This resource includes posters with key messages for older adults on how to take care of their well-being and how they can provide support to those around them during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. It includes instructions for facilitators of mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) on how conduct guided conversations with older adults using these posters.
User's guide for teachers and community educators Indigenous Early Childhood .
MaterialLa presente guía es un instrumento para la implementación de los materiales para docentes y educadoras comunitarias y el cuadernillo para niños y niñas del Nivel Inicial, dicho cuadernillo está pensado para... niños y niñas de 3 y 4 años específicamente, y el material para docentes correspondiente podrá ser utilizado hasta el preescolar.
La guía surge de la necesidad de contar con orientaciones sencillas y claras a fin de facilitar al docente y a la educadora comunitaria la aplicación de los contenidos de manera flexible para que en cada pueblo indígena pueda ser adecuado y contextualizado a su realidad cultural y lingüística.
Development of IEC materials for the NDoH launch of oral PrEP at selected sex worker sites in South Africa
Introduces the GATHER approach to counseling, a patient-centered approach that improves patient satisfaction
Has a chapter offering basic biomedical information on cancer, as requested by health workers
Includes information about management of side effects
Encourages health workers to take care o...f themselves and acknowledges the stressful nature of their work.
This volume is specifically meant for health professionals. It is titled "tackling microbial resistance: a story of health professionals playing their part".
Like the first volume, this one contains messages for the community but they are presented in a different version.
Ujumbe kwa jamii: "kukabiliana na usugu wa dawa za kuua vijasumu- Masimulizi ya watalaamu wa afya wanaofanya kazi kwa mujibu yao"
Ujumbe kwa jamii: "kukabiliana na usugu wa dawa za kuua vijasumu- hadithi zinazohusu jamii inavyoshiriki kwa kutekeleza wajibu wake".