Supplement Article
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Volume 78, Supplement 1, August 15, 2018
The main objective of the malaria prevention and control programme in Somalia is to prevent mortality and reduce morbidity due to malaria. The groups most vulnerable to the disease, children aged under 5 years and pregnant women, are especially targeted. Effective case management - early diagnosis a...nd treatment - is a critical component of malaria prevention and control. To achieve the main objective of reducing malaria morbidity and prevention of malaria mortality, the availability of safe, effective, affordable and accessible anti-malarial drugs is a prerequisite.
This catalogue provides tools and information resources to support EU/EEA countries in addressing the challenging issue of vaccine hesitancy. The catalogue provides examples of practices that can serve as a resource for other countries. The project was developed in the context of ECDC’s support fo...r EU/EEA Member States in prevention and control of vaccine-preventable diseases, including effective communication to promote immunisation.
Our analysis included 14 Asian countries that were estimated to have a total of 850,000 choleracases and 25,500 deaths in 2015 While, the WHO cholera report documented around 60,000 cholera casesand 28 deaths. We estimated around $20.2 million (I$74.4 m...illion) in out-of-pocket expenditures, $8.5million (I$30.1 million) in public sector costs, and $12.1 million (I$43.7 million) in lost productivity in2015. Lost productivity due to premature deaths was estimated to be $985.7 million (I$3,638.6 million).Our scenario analyses excluding mortality costs showed that the economic burden ranged from 20.3%($8.3 million) to 139.3% ($57.1 million) in high and low scenarios when compared to the base case sce-nario ($41 million) and was least at 10.1% ($4.1 million) when estimated based on cholera cases reportedto WHO
A survey of prevention, testing and treatment policies and practices
The strategic framework gives guidance to public and private health facilities and health workers on compliance with standards relating to IPC practices. To further assist health facilities to implement the IPC strategic framework, this practical implementation manual has been developed in parallel accompany the document.
These implementation strategies should be read in conjunction with the National Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Strategic Framework (2020) to support an IPC programme at health facility level towards reducing healthcare-associated infections (HAI) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This manual is aligned with the World Health Organization (WHO) Core Component IPC programme recommendations and highlights the essentials for developing and improving IPC at health facility level in a systematic, stepwise manner for South Africa. It supports the Framework for the Prevention and Containment of AMR in South African Hospitals (2018).
In support of the London Declaration goals, PATH aims to catalyze engagement of the diagnostics industry and product development efforts. As part of this work, PATH conducted a diagnostic landscape analysis to identify gaps and evaluated current and nascent HAT diagnostics that may provide solutions....
We conducted literature reviews and interviews with key stakeholders to identify use cases for HAT diagnostics, understand current practices, and analyze progress toward more robust diagnostics across
different biomarkers.
Q6: Can dementia be diagnosed at first or second level care by non-specialist health care providers? What should be the assessment process for the diagnosis of dementia?
Non-discrimination disability and ethnic rights
Regional Network for Equity in Health in east and southern Africa (EQUINET): Disussion Paper 112
The Essential Health Benefit (EHB) is known as Essential Health Care Package (EHCP) in Swaziland. This desk review provides evidence on the experience of EHCPs in Swaziland and includes available po...licy documents and research reports.
Summary Report on the Comprehensive Study
This study is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or th...e United States Government.
Expanded IMPACT Program in Zimbabwe
Lea Toto and APHIAplus Nuru ya Bonde programs in Kenya Yekokeb Berhan Program for Highly Vulnerable Children in Ethiopia