A continuación, se detalla el listado de protocolos, documentos técnicos y materiales de capacitación de la DNSSR – hacer click en los títulos para acceder.
Actualmente, en el mundo, el cáncer produce millones de muertes al año, generando altos costos económicos y sociales, tanto por los valores asignados al tratamiento, como por el compromiso que genera en la productividad laboral de las personas directamente afectadas y de su entorno familiar y/o c...uidadores.
The GEHM series is an evidence-informed normative product of the WHO
Health and Migration Programme to inform policy-makers on migrationrelated public health priorities. These reviews aim to respond to policy questions identified as priorities by summarizing the best available evidence worldwide an...d proposing policy considerations. By addressing data gaps on the health status of refugees and migrants, the GEHM series aims to support evidenceinformed policy-making and targeted interventions that are impactful and make a difference in the lives of these populations.
This Report, the fourth in the GEHM series reviews the available evidence on barriers to antibiotic access and appropriate use in refugees and migrants. It finds that the available evidence on refugees’ and migrants’ access to and use of antibiotics is scarce and is largely constrained to high-income contexts.
the Planetary Health Alliance issued a call for planetary health case studies to strengthen and expand the field of planetary health by shining a light on cross-sectoral solutions that optimize human health in the face of anthropogenic environmental change. After receiving submissions and proposals ...from organizations and institutions worldwide, ten diverse case studies were chosen to create a cohesive anthology of examples ranging in thematic area, problem-solving approach, ecosystem characteristics, and geographic region. Our freelance Case Study Writer, Hilary Duff, traveled the world in 2018-2019 conducting interviews with stakeholders and organization leads to build this anthology of planetary health stories. These cases invite students to reflect on the pressing realities of people living in vulnerability, the complex connections between people and planet, and how the anthropogenic acts of one generation can reverberate through the next.
Deuxième d’une série consacrée à la prévention de la thrombose associée au cancer (Cancer-Associated Thrombosis, ou CAT en anglais), le présent article a pour but d’améliorer l’enseignement aux patients et leur état de santé. Le premier article, intitulé « Importance de la thromboe...mbolie veineuse liée au cancer », expliquait la pathologie ainsi que les lacunes cernées dans les connaissances des patients atteints de cancer (Sardo, Bayadinova, Jenkins et Penton, 2021). Il mettait en lumière le fait que ces patients reçoivent très peu d’information sur le risque de thromboembolie veineuse (TEV). Les stratégies proposées dans le présent article visent à sensibiliser les patients atteints de cancer à la TEV, à fournir des outils d’enseignement aux patients et, en fin de compte, à réduire le fardeau de la thrombose associée au cancer.
La publication des résultats de l’EDSC-V intervient quelques années seulement après l’échéance en 2015 des Objectifs du millénaire pour le développement (OMD), le lancement de l’Agenda 2065 de l’Union Africaine, de l’Agenda 2030 des Nations Unies pour le Développement Durable, et a...u moment de la finalisation de la
Stratégie nationale de développement de la deuxième génération (2020-2027) dans le cadre de la Vison 2035.Nul doute qu’ils serviront à établir la situation finale ou la situation de référence pour le suivi évaluation des progrès accomplis dans le cadre de ces agendas nationaux et internationaux.
Les modules de formation et d’orientation QualityRights ont été élaborés pour renforcer les connaissances, les compétences et la compréhension des principales parties prenantes sur la manière de promouvoir les droits des personnes en situation de handicap psychosocial, intellectuel ou cogni...tif, d'améliorer la qualité des services et des aides fournis dans le domaine de
la santé mentale et dans les domaines connexes, conformément aux normes internationales en matière de droits humains, et en particulier la Convention des Nations unies relative aux droits des personnes handicapées et l'approche du rétablissement.
Issue Brief 28: Cargiver Toolbox Part 2
A collection of important documents from the category "Standard precautions", including hand hygiene, waste management, infection and prevention control (IPC) measures.
UNCTAD sets out actions to support least developed countries in the global low-carbon transition
New report says COP27 is an opportunity to accelerate action to achieve mutually beneficial climate and development goals in the world's most vulnerable countries.
To conduct a study in a small rural hospital located in the state of Chiapas, Mexico, to: examine the prevalence of chagasic cardiomyopathy among patients with the diagnosis of congestive heart failure and assess the prevalence of positive serologic results in blood donors in the hospital, in an att...empt to ascertain whether Chagas’ disease remains an important cause of heart failure at least in some areas of Mexico. Methods. The study of patients with cardiomyopathy was conducted.
L'objectif de ce projet pilote est de mitiger l’ampleur et l’impact de flambées de choléra à grande échelle en République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Avec 13 000 cas suspects et 236 décès notifiés depuis le début de l’année 2022, le choléra demeure un problème de santé publique ...en RDC. La mise en œuvre d’un plan d'action anticipatoire, qui consiste en des interventions ciblées dans les domaines de l'eau, de l'assainissement, de l’hygiène et de la santé, sera accompagnée d'un programme d'apprentissage complet visant à comprendre l'efficacité, adaptabilité et la dimension éthique du projet pilote.
These guidelines have been compiled for education ministries or other educational leaders (including development partners, non-governmental or private organizations working with schools or directly with caregivers) who want to adapt and adopt resources to support the marginalized caregivers of child...ren with disabilities.
The guidance presented in this document was developed by a team of international and national experts following a proof-of-concept pilot4 of the resources in two countries. The work was carried out between February 2021 and January 2022. The pilots demonstrated that principles and activities described in the resources could be carried out, in practical terms, in line with existing government programmes supporting the implementation of disability-inclusive education.
En 2014, le taux de mortalité maternelle au Cambodge était estimé à 170 décès pour 100 000 naissances vivantes, et le taux de mortalité néonatale à 18 décès pour 1000 naissances vivantes, selon l’enquête démographique et de santé menée au Cambodge en 2014 . Ces chiffres signifient q...ue le Cambodge a atteint les cibles des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement (OMD) en 2015 pour la mortalité maternelle, la mortalité néonatale et d’autres indicateurs majeurs de la santé de la
mère, du nouveau-né et de l’enfant tels que les accouchements avec l’assistance de personnel qualifié, les accouchements dans des établissements de santé, les deuxièmes consultations de soins prénatals (ANC2+), les accouchements par césarienne et le ratio d’établissements d’orient
For more than 100 years, the clearest route to elimination of dog-mediated rabies has been via mass vaccination of the animal hosts. It’s worked in plenty of countries. Still, in others, like India, which grapples with a third of the world’s rabies burden, large populations of free-roaming, hard...-to-track, often hard-to-reach dogs have made elimination an elusive goal.
Website last accessed on 18.03.2023
GARC provides tools and training to build in-country skills and knowledge on essential elements of rabies control programmes, enabling countries to strengthen their efforts to eliminate rabies in a systematic way. Our most comprehensive in-country capacity bui...lding has been in the Philippines (at the country level as well as in the provinces of Ilocos Norte and Sorsogon) and Indonesia.
Website last accessed on 18.03.2023
WHO often receives requests from Member States and implementing partners to provide training in capacity‐building in endemic areas in order to better equip health personnel to diagnose, treat and control the disease.
In this video MEDBOX describes how the Caregiver Toolbox is structured and how it simplifies the worklife of caregivers wordwide
Accessed on 31.03.2023
COUNTDOWN Nigeria has applied a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach to improve equity of Mass Administration of Medicines (MAM) and inform Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) policy through an enhanced community engagement strategy. A situational analysis conducted i...n 2016 identified community engagement as a
bottleneck to achieving equitable coverage of MAM within different and emerging contexts (border, migrant, rural and urban) of Nigeria, related to programmatic, social, political and environmental changes over time See: (Dean et al., 2019), (Oluwole et al., 2019) and (Adekeye et al., 2019)
The purpose of the programme is to build capacity within the public health sector in the field of reproductive, maternal and newborn health. The programme is an on-line training programme including modules on Quality Improvement, Leadership and Management and a Practical project module when the part...icipants conduct a project in their own country.