23 December 2020 This document summarizes WHO recommendations for the rational use of personal protective equipment (PPE) in health care settings and temporary strategies during acute supply shortages. This document also contains 2 Annex sections describing updated PPE use recommendations for health... workers based on the transmission scenario, setting, and activity in the context of COVID-19 (Annex 1), and updated considerations for the decontamination or reprocessing of PPE (Annex 2). This guidance is intended for public health authorities, organizations, and focal persons involved in decisions regarding PPE distribution, management, and use by health workers.
Available in Arabic, French, English, Spanish and Russian
Lista de preguntas y respuestas sobre la priorización de pruebas diagnósticas para la confirmación de la infección por el SARS-CoV-2 orientada a dirigir las necesidades de adquisición de los sistemas de salud.
Sepsis remains a leading cause of mortality and morbidity, especially during the first five days of life and in low and middle-income countries (LMIC) [1]. Hospital infection also remains a major cause of mortality in children despite progress encountered in the last decades.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.11.30.20236570
Pre-Print Article
Epidemiologischen Bulletin 32/2021, 27 Juli 2021.Systematisches Testen auf SARS-CoV-2 in Kitas und Schulen kann einen wichtigen Beitrag leisten, um das dortige Infektionsgeschehen besser beurteilen zu können und das Übertragungsrisiko von Infektionen zu reduzieren. Die im Epidemiologischen Bulleti...n 32/2021 veröffentlichte Studie stellt die Validierung der Lolli-Methode und die Implementierung des Testkonzeptes in 32 Kölner Kitas im Zeitraum September 2020 bis März 2021 vor. Das Testkonzept Lolli-Methode basiert auf der Kombination einer einfachen Probenentnahme und anschließender PCR-Pooltestung. Es wird seit April 2021 an allen Kitas und Schulen der Stadt Köln und seit Mai 2021 an allen Grund- und Förderschulen in Nordrhein-Westfalen durchgeführt.
National Operationalisation Plan for the COVID-19 Vaccine : 13th edition
This document is the seventh edition of the Ministry of Health’s officially approved prescribers’ and dispensers’ guide for all levels of
healthcare. Great effort has been put into aligning the prevailing health insurance benefits package to this edition.
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) describes a set of principles and procedures that, when followed, ensure that medicines and related substances are of high quality, safety and efficacy. SAHPRA is a
participating authority of the Pharmaceutical Inspection Cooperation Scheme (jointly known as PIC/S).... PIC/S aims to develop international standards between countries and pharmaceutical inspection
authorities, to provide harmonised and constructive co-operation in the field of GMP. PIC/S affiliation is subject to initial and periodic assessment of the participating authority to ensure that it has equivalent legislation, regulatory and enforcement procedures and inspection capacity.
The Updated guidelines on Management of tuberculosis in children and adolescents include new recommendations that cover diagnostic approaches for TB, shorter treatment for children with non-severe drug-susceptible TB, a new option for the treatment of TB meningitis, the use of bedaquiline and delama...nid in young children with multidrug- and rifampicin-resistant TB and decentralized and family-centred, integrated models of care for TB case detection and prevention in children and adolescents.
Updated 2 June 2022.#
This entry contains the Status Report of WHO Collaborating Centres in the Americas by Country and a new document with information of Collaborating Centres by Outcome of the Strategic Plan of the Pan American Health Organization 2020‑2025.