Recovery partnership preparation package: Building capacity to reactivate safe essential health services and sustain health service resilience.
In the aftermath of an emergency, the recovery partnership preparation package supports the establishment and implementation of institutional health partne...rships, or ‘twinning partnerships’. These partnerships focus on shared learning and improvement in the services that are being delivered. The Twinning Partnerships for Improvement (TPI) approach supports capacity-building, the re-establishment of safe essential health services and encourages joint long term efforts on service delivery strengthening
The aim of this paper is to map and critically analyse evidence of good practice in prevention and response to gender-based violence (GBV) in humanitarian contexts which can support humanitarian practitioners and policy makers to improve the quality of GBV programming in the field. The paper is stru...ctured as follows. Following a brief discussion of key concepts and definitions in relation to GBV, Chapter 2 presents an overview of the extent of GBV in emergencies, and some of the challenges in responding to the problem. Chapter 3 then analyses some of the literature on the evidence of GBV programming effects in humanitarian settings, and draws out key lessons with regard to good practice. Chapter 4 discusses some of the key issues emerging from this review, and Chapter 5 concludes the paper with a discussion of the implications of the findings for research, policy and programming on GBV.
From Exclusion to Inclusion
An integrated approach to health and human rights lies at the heart of ensuring the dignity and well-being of women living with HIV.
Protecting children on the move from violence, abuse and exploitation