Infection Prevention and Control Programmes
January 2020
interim guidance, 14 June 2021
This document is intended for national authorities and decision makers in countries that have introduced large scale public health and social measures. It offers guidance for adjusting public health and social measures, while managing the risk of a resurgence of cases....
Available in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish
This paper provides case studies of several food product improvement policies from across the WHO European Region. The aim is to share country experience, assess the various merits of the different approaches, discuss lessons learned, and provide guidance for best practice that may be more widely ap...plicable across the European Region.
Chaque année, des milliers d’enfants béninois meurent ou n’arrivent pas à développer pleinement leur potentiel physique ou intellectuel du fait de la malnutrition chronique. La présente politique du secteur de la santé pour la nutrition se focalise sur la mère, lenourrisson,... l’enfant et l’adolescent et prend en compte les résolutions du récent forum national organisé à Cotonoudu 11 au 13 juin 2015, par le Conseil National de l’Alimentation et de la Nutrition(CAN)sur la lutte contre la malnutrition chronique axée sur la fenêtre d’opportunité des 1000 premiers jours de la vie (allant de la conception à la fin de la deuxième année de vie). Elle se fonde sur les principes d’équité?d’éthique et de transparence dans la gestion des problèmes nutritionnels.Cette politique est l’œuvre de la Direction de la Santé de la Mère et de l’Enfant (DSME) avec le soutien technique et financier de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS). Elle servira au cours des dix prochaines années (2016-2025) d’orientation à tous les acteurset partenaires qui contribuent à l’amélioration de l’état nutritionnel des cibles visées.
As a lower-middle-income country (LMIC), South Africa (SA) bears
the burden of maternal and neonatal mortality similar to other sub-
Saharan African countries. According to the Saving Mothers Report
2017/19, there has been a progressive and sustained reduction
in institutional maternal mortality... (iMMR) in the past three triennia
(2010-2019), from 320 per 100,000 live births to 120 per 100,000 live
According to the Rapid Mortality Survey, the country’s infant mortality
rate has declined from 29 deaths per 1000 live births in 2014 to 25
deaths per 1,000 live births in 2018. The institutional neonatal death
rate showed a slight decrease from 12,7 deaths per 1,000 live births in
2016 to the current level of 12 per 1,000 live births and has remained
static at this level for the past three years (saDHIS).
Working towards the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of reducing maternal mortality to below 70 per 100 000 live births and neonatal mortality to 12 deaths per 1000 live births, South Africa aims to reduce institutional maternal mortality, neonatal mortality and stillbirths by 50% by 2030.
This Maternal, Perinatal and Neonatal Health Policy provides a
framework for the delivery of quality, comprehensive, and integrated
MNH services and will guide the development and review of guidelines
and related MNH interventions, including strengthening of the service
delivery platform, governance, leadership and accountability for
the provision of quality MNH services, development of advocacy
messages, and guiding civil society priorities and community
initiatives. The policy will also guide the development and review of
academic curricula and the setting of research priorities.
Annals of Global Health, 87(1), p.30. DOI:
This annual report highlights the work of the WHO from January to June 2021 ( December 2021). The activities featured herein are by no means exhausted but implemented with technical and financial support through WHO in Nigeria; facilitated by its presence at all levels of governance (national, state..., local government, and wards).
These country profiles present progress on implementation of policy recommendations of the Global Action Plan on Physical Activity (GAPPA) 2018-2030 in each country. They also present an estimate of the cost to health systems of not taking action to improve physical activity levels and reinforce th...e urgency to position physical activity as a shared, whole-of-government priority, and to strengthen coordination and partnerships to promote physical activity.
Accessed: 02.05.2020
These consolidated guidelines provide recommendations for comprehensive prevention and case management strategies in Kenya
Scope of the Guidelines: Infection prevention and control Patient triage Emergency Medical Services Case management Laboratory testing algorithm
Target... Audience: Health care workers taking care of patients suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19
These guidelines combine both preventive and clinical management of the disease in Kenyan context. The protocol borrows various international recommendations including the World Health Organization, from experience of other countries such as China that has struggled with the outbreak for a longer time and from principles of virology and infectious disease management.
Rapport biennal de la directrice régionale