A module from the suite of health service capacity assessments in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, Interim guidance 20 October 2020. This assessment tool covers the following aspects:
area distribution;
surface availability versus foreseen occupancy rate;
patient and staff flow...s;
ventilation requirement per specific areas;
visitors’ area and visitor flow; and
surge capacity.
This document provides information and recommendations for action, based on the current available knowledge around monkeypox. It is a first draft which will be updated in light of evolving evidence and additional information as they become available.
Practices, challenges and the future implications for all stakeholders
Translated high blood pressure information in following languages: Albanian, Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Croatian, Czech, English, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portugüse, Punjab...i, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese, Welsh.
Check: http://www.bloodpressureuk.org/HealthProfessionals/Otherlanguages#Küa
How do security events affecting humanitarian agencies differ between urban and rural environments?
Malawi Integrated Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures for Providing HIV Services. 3rd edition 2016
International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA) 2013 | 7th – 12th December | Cape Town, South Africa
Framework for implementation.
The END TB Strategy.