2nd edition.
The tool kit provides learning objects and curricular content to support the competencies for those proficiency/trainee levels
Situation Analaysis and Needs Assessment
Health Policy Plan (2017) 32 (5): 603-612; 10 pp. 318 kB
BMC Psychiatry 2014 14:191 https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-244X-14-191
Chapter 5: A Community Guide to Environmental Health
Results and Lessons Learned from CapacityPlus 2009-2015
Sightsavers | Department for International Development | The International Trachoma Initiative | Children Without Worms | WaterAid | WASH Advocates | Center for Global Safe Water, Emory University | CARE USA
The Healthy Living Toolkit is developed to educate refugees, immigrants, resettlement agencies, clinics, community based organizations, and other service providers on refugee health issues. The toolkit presents material in a culturally appropriate manner and is intended to help health care-related p...rofessionals more effectively assist refugees and immigrants and reduce health disparities among these populations. The toolkit is available in multiple languages: Amharic; Arabic; Farsi; English; French; Russian, etc.
Abuses against Women and Girls with Psychosocial or Intellectual Disabilities in institutions in India
An introduction to 90-90-90 in South Africa