This document summarizes preparedness and response activities to address the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in South Sudan through the end of 2020. The addendum includes the activities and financial requirements of the updated National COVID-19 Response Plan. Originally issued in March prio...r to identification of the first person confirmed with COVID-19 in South Sudan and with a focus on preparedness, the updated plan encompasses a significantly scaled-up national response.
В настоящей Системе ценностей изложены рекомендации
глобального масштаба по распределению вакцин против
COVID-19 между странами, а также рекомендации
национальног...о уровня по определению приоритетности
групп для получения вакцинации внутри стран в условиях
ограниченных поставок. Система ценностей будет полезна
политикам и экспертам-консультантам на глобальном,
региональном и национальном уровнях при принятии
решений о распределении вакцин против COVID-19 и
определении приоритетности их получения.
14 de setembro de 2020Este Modelo de Valores fornece orientações globais para alocação de vacinas contra a COVID-19 entre os países, e orientações nacionais de priorização de grupos para vacinação dentro dos países em caso de oferta limitada. O Modelo destina-se a auxiliar os elaboradore...s de políticas públicas e assessores especializados nos âmbitos global, regional e nacional nas decisões sobre alocação e priorização de vacinas contra a COVID-19. Este documento foi endossado pelo Grupo Consultivo Estratégico de Especialistas em Imunização
An Action Framework and annexe to Immunization Agenda 2030 (Draft version)
27 January 2021
1 February 2021 to 31 January 2022
Against this background of nearly 20 years of experience of research, development and
improvement in patient safety, the role of incident and adverse event reporting, as well as the
benefits that derive from it, is still a work in progress.This document has two main purposes:
• to provide an up...-to-date perspective on patient safety incident reporting and
learning systems currently in place, including how to fill in existing gaps in these
• to provide practical guidance on the establishment and effective use of patient
safety incident reporting and learning systems.
Almost two years after the signing of the Political Accord for Peace and Reconciliation (APPR), the Central African population is still hostage to an unstable and unpredictable security environment. Continuing conflicts in several areas of the country, structural weaknesses combined with the socio-e...conomic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the devastating effects of natural disasters have plunged 2.6 million people into dire needs. Of this total, 1.6 million have severe humanitarian needs, a figure unmatched for five years, reflecting a deterioration in the physical and mental well-being and living conditions of populations across the country.
WHO recently conducted a survey to assess the availability and cost of a national tracer list of essential medicines in the outpatient sector in Ukraine using a new collection tool – the WHO Essential Medicines and Health Products Price and Availability Monitoring Mobile Application. This tool fac...ilitates rapid and inexpensive data collection at the facility level.
20 April 2022. The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to adversely affect essential TB services in many countries. A first report of case studies was published in 2021 comprising 23 examples of innovative interventions implemented by countries to effectively respond to disruptions of TB ser...vices caused or exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This second, consolidated report incorporates new case studies, as well as updates to previously reported case studies
Meeting of the Neglected Tropical Diseases Strategic and Technical Advisory
Group’s Monitoring and Evaluation Subgroup on Disease-specific Indicators
Weekly Epidemiological Record (WER), 17 September 2021, Vol. 96, No. 37 (pp. 445-460)
A review of available evidence (2016).
28-29 June 2016; Geneva, Switzerland
The END TB strategy.
Guidelines on obstructive sleep apnea in India.
The global burden of disease (GBD) study provides information about fatal and non-fatal health outcomes around the world.
The objective of this work is to describe the burden of mental disorders among children aged 5–14 years in each of the six regions of the World Health Organisation. Data come ...from the GBD 2015 study. Outcomes: disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) are the main indicator of GBD studies and are built from years of life lost (YLLs) and years of life lived with disability (YLDs).