Die qualitätive Studie beleuchtet die Umsetzung der Kinderrechte in Flüchtlingsunterkünften aus der Perspektive von Kindern und ihren Eltern. Hierfür wurden in sechs Flüchtlingsunterkünften in drei Bundesländern 70 Interviews mit Kindern und Eltern, aber auch Einrichtungsleitungen und anderen... Akteuren geführt.
Depuis début janvier 2018, le Burkina Faso est confronté à une insécurité grandissante qui a engendré des mouvements massifs de population. Outre la crise sécuritaire qui touche le pays, les premiers cas de personnes infectées par la pandémie de la covid-19 ont été confirmés le 9 mars 20...20. Au 1er juin 2020, 883 cas ont été confirmés dont 322 femmes, enregistrés dans neuf régions du pays - le Centre, les Hauts Bassins, le Centre-Nord, la Boucle du Mouhoun, le Plateau Central, les Cascades, le Centre-Sud, le Sud-Ouest et le Sahel.
This document briefly describes the macroeconomic performance before the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), which is mainly characterized by severe economic depression, economic and financial sanctions by the Trump administration, and tight fiscal space that constrains to undertake additional mea...sures. It estimates three economic scenarios based on different oil price assumptions for 2020. The negative effects of the quarantine on the economy are estimated using the two biggest shocks faced by Venezuela in its recent history. It emphasizes the relevance of foreign currency and external financing to mitigate the pandemic’s impact. Finally, this paper discusses the economic measures taken by the government.
With the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) across Myanmar, many children and caregivers are required to stay in quarantine centres, in isolation and in hospitals, and special attention is needed to ensure children’s rights are protected in these settings. Violence, exploitation, abuse and negle...ct still occurs despite COVID-19 and continuity of the child protection case management system is essential to protect all children, including the most vulnerable. UNICEF’s Child Protection support focuses on mitigating the secondary impacts of physical distancing measures by ensuring children, parents and caregivers continue to have access to child protection services.
The risk of increasing rates of acute malnutrition during the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates the urgent need to adapt, and expand access to, acute malnutrition diagnosis and treatment services in humanitarian and fragile contexts.
PLOSONE| https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0204882October17,2018
แนวปฏิบัติในการจัดการความเสี่ยง ดานภาวะฉุกเฉินและความพิการเพื่อสุขภาพ
COVID-19: Travel, Points of Entry and Border Health
Le présent document est une mise à jour du document d’information scientifique publié le 29 mars 2020 intitulé Modes of transmission of virus causing COVID-19: implications for infection prevention and control (IPC) precaution recommendations et comprend les nouvelles don...nées scientifiques disponibles sur la transmission du SARS-COV-2, le virus responsable de la COVID-19.
La pandemia del coronavirus (COVID-19) ha afectado la vida familiar alrededor del mundo. El cierre de escuelas y colegios, el trabajo a distancia, el distanciamiento físico: es mucho para cualquier persona, pero especialmente para los padres. Un grupo de colaboradores nos juntamos con la iniciativa... 'Parenting for Lifelong Health' (en español, Paternidad y Crianza para Salud de por Vida) para brindar a los padres y responsables de niños una serie de consejos prácticos para ayudar a manejar esta nueva (temporaria) normalidad.
The purpose of this document is to address specific needs and considerations for essential oral health services in the context of COVID-19 in accordance with WHO operational guidance on maintaining essential health services. This interim guidance is intended for public health authorities, chief dent...al officers at ministries of health and oral health care personnel working in private and public health sectors. The document may be subject to change as new information becomes available.
At the time of writing, the novel coronavirus pandemic had reached every region of the world, with millions of infections globally and untold disruptions to nearly every aspect of daily life.
Under the theme Equity at the Heart of Health, this Plan seeks to catalyze efforts in Member States to reduce inequities in health within and between countries and territories in order to improve health outcomes. The Plan identifies specific actions to tackle health inequality, including those recom...mended by the Commission on Equity and Health Inequalities in the Americas, with guidance from the High-level Commission for Universal Health. Four cross-cutting themes are central to this Plan’s approach to addressing the determinants of health: equity, gender, ethnicity, and human rights
The Guidance Notes seek to help operationalize, simplify and standardize the collection and reporting of data through the application of common language and methods. They provide information on the key issues to take into account in the collection of health data and the types of data that should be ...collated, and potential stakeholders to engage with. They adapt and complement the UNDRR/UNISDR Technical guidance for monitoring and reporting on progress in achieving the global targets of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, which has a multisectoral target audience.
The Zambia Population Based HIV impact assessment of 2016, reported the prevalence of viral hepatitis in Zambia as ranging between 5.6% among adults aged 15 to 59% in the general population, and 7.1% among HIV infected individuals. It is estimated that the majority of persons with chronic hepatitis ...B and/ or hepatitis C are unware of their infection and do not benefit from promotive, preventive and curative services designed to reduce onward transmission. Zambia introduced hepatitis B virus vaccine to the routine Under 5 vaccination schedule in 2005. Preliminary results from the ZAMPHIA indicate that hundreds of infections have been abated in children since then. However, its also clear that we continue to miss key opportunities to prevent transmission, diagnose and treat infections, prevent serious disease, and in many cases cure people. In addition, high risk groups inter alia health care workers still have limited access to the vaccine.
This handbook is an adaptation from the WHO Clinical Handbook Health care for women subjected to intimate partner violence or sexual violence developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), UN Women and United Nations Population Fund. The handbook draws on the work from professionals who are dedic...ated to preventing and responding to Gender Based Violence.
The Handbook guides health care service providers to provide comprehensive services to survivors of intimate partner violence and/or sexual violence. It also guides health professionals with respect to relevant stakeholders for referral purposes. The purpose is to ensure that relevant authorities are informed timeously in order act and ensure that those affected by violence receive speedy service as required.