TB heroes
Hello, my name is Nurse X
My job is to promote integrated HIV and TB prevention, care, treatment and support. This ensures that we, and my team of health care service providers treat everyone who is living with HIV and TB to have all the antiretroviral therapy (ART) and HIV care services... are provided with TB diagnosis and treatment at one facility. Services that we provide include * Infection control education * TB screening and diagnosis * HIV testing * Treatment for those who require it * Adherence support
Accessed November 2017
Key populations brief
Accessed November 2017
PLoS ONE 12(7): e0180996. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0180996
An analysis from the perspective of the health sector in Latin America and the Caribbean
Washington, D.C., 2017
Un análisis desde la perspectiva del sector de la salud en América Latina y el Caribe
Washington, D.C., 2017
A compendium of TB REACH case studies, lessons learned and a monitoring and evaluation framework.
Accessed November 2017.
Information note
Accessed November 2017.
Doc. No.: INS/GDL/001-(Annexes)
Le cancer du col de l’utérus et le cancer du sein constituent de véritables problèmes de santé publique en raison de leur fréquence. A titre d'exemple, environ 275 000 femmes meurent chaque année d’un cancer du col de l’utérus dans le monde et la plupart de ces décès surviennent dans ...des pays à revenu faible (90%) car le diagnostic est souvent fait à des stades avancés de la maladie.
PQDx 0141-051-00 WHO
PQDx Public Report
April/2017, version 5.0
WHO working group on HIV incidence assays meeting report
10–11 December 2015
Glion, Switzerland
UNAIDS/WHO working group on global HIV/AIDS and STI surveillance