A workshop methodology for children, young people and adults
The “Tree of Life” is a psychosocial support tool based on narrative practices that is designed to help participants accept the hardships of their past and identify the strengths that can help them achieve a better future. It uses th...e different parts of a tree as metaphors to represent the different parts of our lives. The workshop generally takes one day.
Participants draw their own “Tree of Life” in which they get to speak of their ‘roots” (where they come from), their skills and knowledge, their hopes and dreams and the special people in their lives
This guide is intended to promote a global health sector response to FGM for the provision of high-quality prevention and care services to women and girls at risk of FGM or living with the consequences of FGM. It also aims to support the systematic development of pre-service and in-service FGM conte...nt for midwifery and nursing education curricula which are relevant to context and need. This document could also be used for training materials of other cadres of health-care providers.
Practical Guide on Trauma-Informed Approaches
This toolkit is intended to support GBV staff to build disability inclusion into their work, and to strengthen the capacity of GBV practitioners to use a survivor-centered approach when providing services to survivors with disabilities.
The tools are designed to complement existing guidelines, prot...ocols and tools for GBV prevention and response, and should not be used in isolation from these. GBV practitioners are encouraged to adapt the tools to their individual programs and contexts, and to integrate pieces into standard GBV tools and resources.
You can download from English, French and Arabic Version
This publication aims to provide examples of better palliative care practices for older people to help those involved in planning and supporting care-oriented services most appropriately and effectively. Examples have been identifi ed from literature searches and from an international call... for examples through various organizations, including the European Association of Palliative Care and the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society. Some examples consider how to improve aspects within the whole health system; specifi c smaller examples consider how to improve palliative care education, support in the community, in hospitals or for specifi c groups of people, such as people in nursing homes and people with dementia and their families. Some examples await rigorous evaluation of effectiveness, and more research is needed in this fi eld, especially the cost–effectiveness and generalizability of these initiatives.
Mental health conditions affect one in 10 people at any one time and account for a large proportion of non-fatal disease burden. There is a high degree of comorbidity between mental health conditions such as depression and other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), including cardiovascular disease, diab...etes and alcohol-use disorders. Mental disorders share common features with other NCDs, including many underlying causes and overarching consequences, their high interdependency and tendency to co-occur, and their predilection to being best managed using integrated approaches.
This checklist covers five areas of competence needed by health care providers to provide quality of care in contraceptive information and services including: respecting users’ privacy and guaranteeing contfidentiality, choice, accessible and acceptable services, involvement of users in improving ...services and fostering continuity of care and follow-up.
Guide for community-based management and care of people with dementia
Version 1.0
Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Division of NCD and Health through the Life-Course
World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific
A Training Course for Service Providers
You can also register into a free online course
2nd edition.
The tool kit provides learning objects and curricular content to support the competencies for those proficiency/trainee levels
Curricular Modules for Lecturers and Teachers.
The 2nd edition of the Global Public Health Curriculum has been published in the South Eastern European Journal of Public Health, end of 2016 as a special volume . The curriculum targets the postgraduate education and training of public health professi...onals including their continued professional development (CPD). However, specific competences for the curricular modules remained to be identified in a more systematic approach
The school and a community teaching modules are aimed at preventing vector-borne diseases through community participation. Meanwhile, the interactive toolkit is meant to be help raise awareness on health, sanitation and vector control. These materials will help volunteers and practitioners foster di...alogue with communities and ensure that prevention is seen as the primary way of combatting vector-borne diseases