La atención concedida a la equidad en la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible obliga a encontrar nuevas formas de ampliar progresivamente los servicios a las poblaciones que no los reciben. Las alianzas satisfactorias entre el sector encargado del suministro de agua, el saneamiento y la higien...e (WASH, por su sigla en inglés) y los programas de lucha contra las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas (ETD) pueden contribuir a lograr esta aspiración. Sin embargo, colaborar para encontrar juntos esas nuevas formas, exige nuevos modos de pensar. En esta edición corregida se presenta un conjunto de herramientas para ayudar a los países y los programas de lucha contra la ETD a colaborar con la comunidad relacionada con las acciones de agua, saneamiento e higiene, y guía en la creación de alianzas, en la movilización de recursos y en el diseño, la aplicación y la evaluación de las intervenciones. Más que una guía de “buenas prácticas”, se trata de un conjunto de herramientas basadas en la experiencia adquirida en la realidad de un programa.
This manual for trainers outlines the information and materials required to undertake training in line with the WASH FIT Guide, including background documents, the content of the recommended training modules and training evaluation approaches. The modular approach outlined enables trainers to decide... on all topics that are most useful to support the delivery of targeted training at the local level. It also provides sample training schedules, evaluation forms and is linked to a full set of interactive, adult-learning focused, training slides.
2nd edition
WASH FIT is a risk-based, continuous improvement framework with a set of tools for undertaking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) improvements as part of wider quality improvements in health care facilities. It is aimed at small primary, and in some instances secondary, health care fa...cilities in low and middle income countries.
An app, for front line data collection is also available in the Android Google Play store or as a web app
In Control imparts knowledge, provokes reflection and triggers curiosity. The first half of the book provides an overview of the organisations, principles, frameworks and themes that every professional deploying to health emergencies should be aware of. The second half of the book provides practical... advice to help professionals survive and thrive during their mission – from staying healthy, protecting oneself from cyber-attacks and coping with stress to building trust among the host community or dealing with language barriers and the press.
This handbook is free of charge and can be made available in small quantities as long as supply lasts. To order, please send this form to:
WASH FIT Digital is a free, open-access digital tool, based on the WASH FIT guide developed by WHO and UNICEF. WASH FIT is designed to help health care facilities improve quality of care through improved water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). Built on the mWater digital monitoring platform, WASH FIT... Digital includes a set of forms for implementing a risk-based management approach developed by WHO and UNICEF. The site also includes a dashboard to visualize the process and keep track of progress
This guide to local production of WHO-recommended handrub formulations is separated into two discrete but interrelated sections:
Part A provides a practical guide for use at the pharmacy bench during the actual preparation of the formulation. Users may want to display the material on the wall of ...the production unit.
Part B summarizes some essential background technical information and is taken from WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care (2009). Within Part B the user has access to important safety and cost information and supplementary material relating to dispensers and distribution.
Poster for communities and health worker
La concentration en éthanol est mesurée par une méthode densitométrique à l’aide d’un alcoomètre Gay LUSSAC à l’échelle v/v.
Infectious disease outbreaks and epidemics are increasing in frequency, scale and impact. Health care facilities can amplify the transmission of emerging infectious diseases or multidrug-resistant organisms (MDRO) within their settings and communities. Therefore, evidence-based infection prevention ...and control (IPC) measures in health care facilities are critical for preventing and containing outbreaks, while still delivering safe, effective and quality health care. This toolkit is intended to support IPC improvements for outbreak management in all such facilities, both public and private throughout the health system. Specifically, this document systematically describes a framework of overarching principles to approach the preparedness, readiness and response outbreak management phases. The document also provides a toolkit of resource links to guide specific actions for each infectious disease and/or MDRO outbreak management phase at any health facility. This document is specifically tailored to an audience of stakeholders who establish and monitor health care facility-level IPC programs including: IPC focal points, epidemiologists, public health experts, outbreak response incident managers, facility-level IPC committee(s), safety and quality leads and managers, and other facility level IPC stakeholders.
This e-tool is intended for use by people in charge of occupational health and safety for health workers at the national, subnational and facility levels and for health workers who want to know what WHO and ILO recommend for the protection of their health and safety
Welcome to the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) training package. IPC is a major challenge for health care systems around the world and there is a significant opportunity to reduce avoidable morbidity and mortality through improvements to IPC. Health care-associated infections (HAIs) and antim...icrobial resistance (AMR) can be significantly reduced through effective IPC. The guidelines cover a range of topics including the core components of IPC programmes, hand hygiene, and the prevention of surgical site infection.
Online Course. Infection prevention and control (IPC) is an essential component of healthcare quality and patient safety. In this module you will learn how and why healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) occur and how IPC reduces their risk and spread.
The decontamination of instruments and medical devices plays a very important role in the prevention of health care-associated infections (HAIs). Indeed, improper decontamination of surgical instruments, endoscopic devices, respiratory care devices and reusable haemodialysis devices still occurs in ...many settings, leading to HAIs. This course is based on the WHO manual on decontamination and reprocessing of medical devices for health care facilities, as well as in collaboration with the US CDC.
The health care environment contains a diverse population of microorganisms and can be a reservoir for potential pathogens. If environmental cleaning is not performed correctly, then environmental contamination can contribute to the spread of multidrug-resistant organisms and health care-associated ...infections. Collaboration between infection prevention and control (IPC) and environmental services (EVS) staff limits the role of the health care environment in disease transmission.
This course is also available in the following languages:
Tetun - Bahasa Indonesia