The Ukrainian translation of the Handbook was done by the Rev Marian and Dr Roman Curkowskyj Foundation. Established in 1990 in Toronto, Canada, the Foundation supports the advancement of education, notably through the publication of works in Ukrainian. 2011 Edition.
Armed conflicts and natural disasters cause significant psychological and social suffering to affected populations. The psychological and social impacts of emergencies may be acute in the short term, but they can also undermine the long-term mental health and psychosocial well-being of the affected ...population. These impacts may threaten peace, human rights and development. One of the priorities in emergencies is thus to protect and improve people’s mental health and psychosocial well-being.
IDS Rapid Response Briefing 8
Au cours des dix dernières années, les ONG humanitaires ont fait de plus en plus fréquemment appel aux Entreprises de sécurité privées (ESP). On observe l’existence d’un écart entre la manière dont les ONG utilisent les ESP dans la réalité et la régulation d’une telle relation. Ces ...orientations ont pour objet d’aider les ONG humanitaires à prendre une décision en connaissance de cause sur quand, comment et dans quelles conditions, recourir aux services d’une ESP. Ces orientations sont destinées aux responsables opérationnels des ONG au niveau du siège et du terrain. Ces orientations ne couvrent pas uniquement des activités de surveillance ou de protection armées, mais peuvent être appliquées à une gamme plus étendue de services assurés par les ESP.
Abduction of aid workers has risen sharply in particular contexts in the past decade. Abduction is a “unique form of critical incident”, characterised by its ongoing, “live” nature, often extended duration, the pressure of decision-making and uncertainty. This EISF Briefing Paper explores ...the dimensions of effective, proactive abduction and kidnapping response mechanisms. It complements the EISF Briefing Paper Crisis Management of Critical Incidents, released April 2010, that looks at crisis response plans as a whole.
This report is jointly released by the Human Rights Division (HRD)
of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and focuses on the right to freedom of opinion and expression in South Sudan.
It covers the per...iod from July 2016 to December 2017 and presents
information gathered by HRD on progress and challenges faced by
individuals to freely form, hold and express their opinions and
views on a wide range of issues, including the political and security situation, peace negotiations, and other developments affecting the country.
This EISF Briefing Paper seeks to outline the requirements of crisis management structures, providing a general guideline of crisis management planning, Crisis Management Teams (CMTs) and post-crisis follow-up. It is followed by the May 2010 EISF Briefing Paper, Abduction Management, that will focu...s on the management of abductions and kidnappings, a particular form of crisis requiring an especially tailoured response. The two papers seek to act as tools by which agencies can review and strengthen their crisis management mechanisms, so ensuring effective responses to critical incidents.
This resource presents "the minimum level of educational quality and access in emergencies through to recovery. The aim of the handbook is to enhance the quality of educational preparedness, response and recovery; to increase access to safe and relevant learning opportunities for all learners, regar...dless of their age, gender or abilities; and to ensure accountability and strong coordination in the provision of education in emergencies through to recovery...The INEE Minimum Standards are organised in five domains: Foundation standards; Access and learning environment; Teaching and learning; Teachers and other education; personnel; Education policy". Available in different languages: English, French, Arabic, Azerbajani, Bangla, Indonesia, Bosnian, Coratian, Serbian, Burmese, Chinese, Dari, Japanese, Nepali, Pashto, Portugese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese
A public health emergency operations centre (EOC) is a central location for coordinating operational information and resources for strategic management of pugencies and events. EOCs provide communication and information tools and services blic health emer-
and a management system during a response an emergency or event. This report lays out components and characteristics of an emergency operations plan, providing a suggested structure for plans and procedures. The planning process, and that of coducting a hazard analysis or needs assessment, are also discussed as key steps
The report highlights key trends and developments in laws affecting people living with HIV and key populations in Asia and the Pacific over the five-year period 2014–2019. It updates the legal and policy review conducted in 2016 for UNAIDS, UNDP and the United Nations Economic and Social Commissio...n for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). A database of laws of the 38 Member States of ESCAP was created as part of this review. The database identifies laws that are either punitive or enabling for people living with HIV and key populations in Asia and the Pacific.
Checklist for including children with disabilities in response and early recovery (English) | Checklist for response and early recovery
OECD Development Policy Tools
Recognising that donor policies and responses constantly evolve, this guidance recommends that donors operating in situations of forced displacement prioritise three broad areas of work, where they can best contribute to existing capacities at the national, regiona...l and global levels.