Transforming Health: Accelerating attainment of Health Goals | THE SECOND MEDIUM TERM PLAN FOR HEALTH
Q 12: In children and adolescents with anxiety disorders, what is the effectiveness and safety, considering system issues in low- and middle-income countries, of using pharmacological interventions in non-specialist settings?
Community Based Rehabilitation for Children with Disabilities: Good Practices and Lessons from Save the Children Norway Ethiopia Programme Intervention
Key Features:
• Module Users: Disaster Management Trainers
• Training Targets: State Government and District
officials / Disaster Management Authorities / Disaster
Management Planners and Responders
• Training Duration: 5 working days (one week)
• Trainers Input: Multi-disciplinary
... Training methods: Lecture, Discussion, Film Show,
Field Visits, Group Exercise.
A review of policy and practice; zero Hunger Phase 1
Harmonising proven strategies beyond the emergency phase. Zero Hunger Phase 2
What recommendations did the assessment produce?
• Developing guidelines and plans to further the process of SRH and Hiv integration.
• Training stakeholders at different levels of the health system on how to integrate activities.
• Establishing mechanisms for collaboration/coordinati...on on SRH and Hiv at different levels.
• Developing plans for SRH and Hiv integration that include: situation analysis; feasibility studies; assessment of needs for reorganizing and reorienting services towards better integration; necessary tools (e.g. job descriptions, work plans); and tools to evaluate service quality and user satisfaction in relation to integration.
Gender-based Violence Area of Responsibility Working Group July 2010
“towards quality health and social welfare services”