The 2020 Report analyzes global health spending for 190 countries from 2000 to 2018 and provides insights as to the health spending trajectory from the MDG era to the SDG era prior to the crisis of 2020. The report shows that global spending on health continually rose between 2000 and 2018 and reach...ed US$ 8.3 trillion or 10% of global GDP. The data also show that out-of-pocket spending has remained high in low and lower-middle income countries, representing greater than 40% of total health spending in 2018. We also report and summarize the data on expenditures for PHC, as well as by disease and intervention, including for immunization. The report also analyzes the available data on budget allocation in response to the COVID-19 crisis. In addition, we combine World Bank/IMF projections of the macroeconomic and fiscal impact of the crisis with an analysis of the historical determinants of health spending patterns and UHC indicators, and based on this, we draw out the likely implications of 2020 for future health spending, highlighting key policy and monitoring concerns.
La guía se basa en las buenas prácticas existentes y se ha elaborado con la colaboración de enfermeras que trabajan en una amplia variedad de ámbitos, pero se enfoca principalmente en las áreas con recursos limitados. Representa el punto de vista del personal técnico ... de La Unión y de la red de Enfermeras y Profesionales Sanitarios entre los miembros de La Unión. Las mejores prácticas se presentan como una serie de pautas que se pueden adaptar a los servicios locales en países de ingresos bajos y medios y que fomentan la evaluación a través del uso de resultados cuantificables. Cada pauta corresponde a un punto importante en el diagnóstico o tratamiento de un paciente con TB, tomando como referencia las estrategias recomendadas por La Unión2, 3 y los regímenes de tratamiento recomendados por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) para TB susceptible a fármacos y TB resistente a fármacos.4, 5 A lo largo de esta guía, se remitirá a los lectores, a través de notas al pie, a la información relevante publicada en dos guías distintas de La Unión: Manejo de la Tuberculosis: Una guía esencial de buenas prácticas, 6ta edición, 2010 (denominada Guía Naranja)2y Lineamientos para el Manejo Clínico y Operativo de la Tuberculosis Drogorresistente, 2013 (denominada Guía de DR-TB).3 Otros materiales de referencia importantes se indican al final del documento y todos coinciden con las estrategias recomendadas a nivel internacional.
Strengthening Community responses to HIv Treatment and Prevention
Public Health Situation Analysis and Interventions 10 October 2017
This new edition and fully updated publication replaces the 2012 UCG and is being circulated free of charge to all public and private sector prescribers, pharmacists, and regulatory authorities in the country
Guidelines for the Management and Therapy of Urinary Tract Infection and Male Genitalia in Indonesia
Ce plan stratégique 2013- 2017 s’inscrit dans la continuité du précédent et a pour but de contribuer à la réduction de la charge de la tuberculose au Sénégal d’ici 2015 conformément aux Objectifs du Millénaire (OMD 6 Cible 8) et aux cibles du partenariat Halte à la tuberculose.
Les i...nterventions porteront, principalement, sur les orientations stratégiques déclinées lors de la revue externe. Elles seront axées sur la poursuite d’une stratégie DOTS de qualité, le renforcement des interventions communautaires et la prise en charge des grands défi s (TB/VIH, TBMR, TB de l’enfant et le contrôle de l’infection). Durant cette période, l’implication des prestataires du privé sera accentuée et des stratégies de communication porteuses d’impact seront menées.
L’atteinte des objectifs de ce plan stratégique nécessitera une importante mobilisation de ressources et un plaidoyer fort sera mené auprès de tous les partenaires du secteur santé et en dehors.
Mental health and psychosocial considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak
The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes the challenges countries face for maintaining their COVID-19 response while addressing competing public health challenges, conflicts, climate change and economic crises. WHO continues to support countries in adjusting COVID-19 strategies to reflect succ...esses to date and leverage what has been learned through national responses.
To assist national and global efforts to end the COVID-19 emergency worldwide, WHO updated the COVID-19 (Global Preparedness, Readiness and Response plan) in 2022 and outlined two strategic objectives.
Technical Note on Antimicrobial Resistance
This document reflects UNICEF’s response to the growing global threat of AMR to child survival, growth and development. It identifies UNICEF’s AMR-specific and AMR-sensitive actions in reducing infections, promoting access to and optimal use of antimic...robials, and increasing AMR awareness and understanding. Of particular relevance to this group, UNICEF country offices are directed to provide technical support for development and implementation of national AMR action plans, linking them as appropriate to maternal, newborn and child health programmes and ensuring these are prioritized in both surveillance and policy changes. The guidance note on AMR is intended to inform UNICEF’s AMR-related internal initiatives, programming and activities, as well as external engagements with governments and other stakeholders.
Q8.SCOPING QUESTION: In adults and older adolescents with depressive disorder, what is the comparative effectiveness of different formats of psychological treatments?
The purpose of this booklet is to assist WHO and other
Public Health workers in the field when an emergency
occurs. The booklet provides technical hints on how to
carry out a rapid health assessment, how to facilitate
coordination, how departments in WHO can assist, etc.
Standard formats for re...porting and reference indicators
are provided
Curricular Modules for Lecturers and Teachers.
The 2nd edition of the Global Public Health Curriculum has been published in the South Eastern European Journal of Public Health, end of 2016 as a special volume . The curriculum targets the postgraduate education and training of public health professi...onals including their continued professional development (CPD). However, specific competences for the curricular modules remained to be identified in a more systematic approach
A guide to increasing coverage and equity in all communities in the African Region
Expanded Programs on Immunization (EPI) is responsible for vaccines and vaccination to control, eliminate and eradicate vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs). Having strong immunization systems to deliver vaccines those who need them most will play a significant role in achieving the health, equity and economic objectives of several global development goals.