The World Health Organization (WHO) endorses the use of population-based prevalence surveys for estimating the prevalence of trachoma. In general, the prevalence of TF in children aged 1–9 years and the prevalence of TT in adults aged ≥ 15 years are measured at the same time in any district bein...g surveyed. This was the approach of the Global Trachoma Mapping Project, which undertook baseline surveys in > 1500 districts worldwide in order to provide the data required to start interventions where needed.
The survey design recommended by WHO is a two-stage cluster random sample survey, which uses probability proportional to size sampling to select 20–30 villages, and random, systematic or quasi-random sampling to select 25–30 households in each of those villages. In most surveys, everyone aged ≥ 1 year living in selected households is examined.
Esta publicación está dirigida a profesionales en formación o con práctica en salud mental y no para el público general. Las opiniones vertidas en este libro son de responsabilidad de sus autores y no representan necesariamente el punto de vista del Editor o de IAC...APAP. Esta publicación busca describir los mejores tratamientos y las prácticas basadas en la evidencia científica disponible en el tiempo en que se escribió, tal como fueron evaluadas por los autores, y éstas pueden cambiar como resultado de una nueva investigación. Los lectores deberán aplicar este conocimiento a los pacientes de acuerdo con las directrices y leyes de cada país en el que ejercen profesionalmente. Algunos medicamentos puede que no estén disponibles en algunos países por lo que los lectores deberán consultar la información específica del fármaco debido a que ni se mencionan todas las dosis ni todos los efectos no deseados. Las citas de organizaciones, publicaciones y enlaces de sitios de Internet tienen la finalidad de ilustrar situaciones o se enlazan como una fuente adicional de información; lo que no significa que los autores, el editor o IACAPAP
avalen su contenido o recomendaciones, que deberán ser analizadas de manera crítica por el lector. Los sitios de Internet, a su vez, también pueden cambiar o dejar de existir.
This new publication presents the continuing and emerging challenges to children’s environmental health.
Chapitre A.5
Edition en français
Traduction : Eleanor O’Boyle
Sous la direction de : Priscille Gérardin
Avec le soutien de la SFPEADA
This NCEPOD report highlights the quality of mental health and physical health care for patients aged 18 years or older with a significant mental disorder who are admitted to a general hospital. The report takes a critical look at areas where the care of patients might have been improved. Remediable... factors have also been identified in the clinical and the organisational care of these patients.
In this edition, the Antimicrobial Resistance chapter discusses the growing, dangerous trend of antimicrobial resistance and the potential catastrophic consequences on global health.
Chapter 1 of Frontier 2017: Emerging Issues of Environmental Concern
World J Meta-Anal. Aug 26, 2017; 5(4): 103-123
Published online Aug 26, 2017. doi: 10.13105/wjma.v5.i4.103
Эта глава начинается с обзора ключевых принципов развития, или тем, включая такие , как: природа или воспитание, продолжительность стадий развития и их эластичност..., критические и чувствительные периоды, а также роль культуры и контекста. После этой краткой вступительной главы будут рассмотрены зависящие от возраста этапы когнитивного, лингвистического социально-эмоционального и поведенческого развития от младенческого возраста, и до подросткового. Несмотря на то, что понимание этапов нормального физического развития также важно, эти вопросы обычно хорошо освещаются в медицинских публикациях и в данной главе не освещаются.
In many of Myanmar’s contested regions, healthcare services are provided through two parallel governance systems – by the government’s Ministry of Health, and by providers linked to ethnic armed organizations. Building upon efforts to build trust between these two actors following ceasefires s...igned in 2011 and 2012, the new National League for Democracy-led government offers an unprecedented opportunity to increase cooperation between these systems and to ensure health services reach Myanmar’s most vulnerable populations.
The report provides an overview of existing health service arrangements in these areas, from both the Ministry of Health and from ethnic and community-based health organizations. It then unpacks the concept of “convergence”, highlighting key opportunities and policy recommendations for both government and non-government actors.
Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups Planning Framework
Despite the stated centrality of protection in humanitarian action and a growing attention to protection activities, the evaluation of protection has received relatively little attention. This pilot guide seeks to fill this gap, providing insights and guidance to those evaluating protection in the c...ontext of humanitarian action
Chapter A.13