Ce guide sera particulièrement utile pour les gestionnaires de programme qui concoivent, gèrent et évaluent les systèmes logistique pour les programmes de santé. En outre, décideurs, intervenants du système et toute personne travaillant dans la logistique trouveront dans ce guide une utile a...pproche globale du système. Les concepts et termes clés sont clairement définis et expliqués; le document comprend des informations détaillées sur la conception et la mise en œuvre de systèmes d’information, de la gestion logistique et des systèmes de contrôle d’inventaire. Aperçus de quantification; processus d’approvisionnement; stockage, transport et sélection des produits sont aussi inclus dans le document.
Abduction of aid workers has risen sharply in particular contexts in the past decade. Abduction is a “unique form of critical incident”, characterised by its ongoing, “live” nature, often extended duration, the pressure of decision-making and uncertainty. This EISF Briefing Paper explores ...the dimensions of effective, proactive abduction and kidnapping response mechanisms. It complements the EISF Briefing Paper Crisis Management of Critical Incidents, released April 2010, that looks at crisis response plans as a whole.
The purpose of this manual is to define a limited number of indicators that will objectively describe the management and use of antimicrobials in hospitals and to provide tools and step-by-step instructions for designing and carrying out an assessment of antibiotic use and management in hospitals. T...he indicators in this manual will complement the existing WHO (1993) indicators of outpatient antimicrobial use suggested in How to Investigate Drug Use in Health Facilities (including percentage of encounters in which an antibiotic was prescribed and percentage of medicine costs spent on antibiotics) and will address the need for antimicrobial indicators for inpatient conditions.
A Toolkit for Implementation. Module 1: An Overview of Implementation at National, Province and District Levels
A Toolkit for Implementation. Module 2: Facilitator’s guide to the orientation workshop on the IFC framework;
A toolkit for Implementation. Module 3: Participatory community assessment in maternal and newborn health
A Toolkit for Implementation. Module 4: Training guide for facilitators of the participatory community assessment in maternal and newborn health
A Toolkit for Implementation. Module 5: Finalizing, monitoring and evaluating the IFC action plan
Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management of Lung Cancer in Indonesia