Sightsavers | Department for International Development | The International Trachoma Initiative | Children Without Worms | WaterAid | WASH Advocates | Center for Global Safe Water, Emory University | CARE USA
Supplement article
The Journal of Infectious Diseases® 2017;216(S7):S675–8
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jix368
Finding the Missing Tuberculosis Patients • JID 2017:216 (Suppl 7) • S675
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by guest on 13 Nove...mber 2017
DHS Analytical Studies No. 39
As the Burundi refugee crisis enters its fourth year, some 430,000 Burundian refugees are being hosted across the region by the governments and people of Tanzania, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Uganda. Although the spectre of mass violence in Burundi has receded, with the politic...al situation still unresolved and the persistence of significant human rights concerns, refugee arrivals are expected to continue in 2018, albeit at lower levels than in previous years.
The Equal Rights Review Volume 9, pp.117-137
Evidence from Low and Middle Income Countries
A Manual for Maternity Unit Personnel - Part of the CBM Prevention Toolkit on Birth Impairments
This document provides a snapshot view of Rwanda in terms of key socio-economic indicators, political and economic context and the situation of children. It also gives an overview of UNICEF's Country Programme and key achievements.
Rwanda has made significant progress towards economic prosperity an...d human development over the past two decades. Rwanda has one of the fastest growing economies in central Africa, and was one of the few countries to achieve all the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Political stability, strong governance, fiscal and administrative decentralization, and zero tolerance for corruption are among the key factors supporting the country’s inclusive growth and development.
Rwanda still faces some significant development challenges. Chronic malnutrition (stunting), early childhood development, neonatal mortality, the quality of education, and prevention of violence against children require continued attention.
Le panorama du paludisme a profondement changé durant la dernière décénnie. Les financements ont augmenté, les outils permettant de sauver des vies ont été mis en œuvre à plus grande échelle, la charge du paludisme a diminué et un nombre grandissant de pays envisagent son élimination.
Ce cadre actualisé fait le point sur les outils, les activités et les stratégies nécessaires pour atteindre l'élimination du paludisme et empêcher la reprise de la transmission dans les pays, quelle que soit l'étape à laquelle ils se trouvent sur la route menant à l'élimination ou l’intensité de la transmission. Le cadre est destiné à servir de référence pour élaborer des plans stratégiques d’élimination du paludisme au niveau national et doit être adapté aux contextes locaux.
The package is designed to help address the WASH in Schools monitoring deficit at the national level.
The package consists of three modules:
The EMIS module: a set of basic monitoring questions on WASH in Schools to be incorporated into national Education Monitoring Information Syst...ems (EMIS), usually administered annually;
The survey module: a more comprehensive set of questions, observations and focus group discussion guidelines for use in national WASH in Schools surveys as well as for sub-national, project level or thematic surveys;
The children’s monitoring module: a teacher’s guide and tool set for the monitoring of WASH in Schools by students, including observation checklists, survey questions and special monitoring exercises.