Equity and Quality in Health: a People's Right
The first of a series of graphic stories about Ebola that covers prevention and seeking early care. This tool is used by IOM and county based partners to raise awareness and encourage positive responses within communities in Liberia. It . It was developed with the guidance of the Ministry of Health... and Social Welfare, WHO and UNICEF.
WHO Regional EVD Preparedness Meeting Presentations January 14-16, 2015
This manual provides guidance on best practices to be followed in Ebola Care Units (ECUs)/Community Care Centres (CCCs). It is intended for health aid workers (including junior nurses and community health-care workers) and others providing care for patients in ECUs/CCCs. While the focus is on the ca...re and management of patients with Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), the care of patients with other causes of fever is also described.
This Making It Work multi-stakeholder initiative documents good practice for inclusive employment of people with disabilities, in order to promote effective implementation Article 27 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in seven West African countries. “The objective was to... make recommendations for public and private employers, microfinance institutions, governments and their partners in order that they become agents of change and commit themselves to inclusive policies promoting access to decent jobs for people with disabilities in West Africa” - See more at: http://www.asksource.info/node/70240#sthash.yBjlgAds.dpuf