Contact No 175 - October December 2001
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2001, 79 (4)
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has produced a three-volume series entitled Managing Hazardous Material Incidents. The series is designed to help emergency response and health care professionals plan for and respond to hazardous material emergencies.
- Volume I Emergenc...y Medical Services: A Planning Guide for the Management of Contaminated Patients
- Volume II Hospital Emergency Departments: A Planning Guide for the Management of Contaminated Patients
- Volume III Medical Management Guidelines for Acute Chemical Exposures
Volumes I and II are planning guides to assist first responders and hospital emergency department personnel in planning for incidents that involve hazardous materials.
Volume III is a guide for health care professionals who treat persons who have been exposed to hazardous materials.
Manual Logistical Management of Humanitarian Supply
The flood of relief supplies that arrive in the aftermath of large-scale disasters often poses serious logistic and management problems for national authorities. SUMA is a tool for the management of humanitarian relief supplies, from the time pled...ges are made by donors, to their entry into the disaster area and their storage and distribution.
A technical guide for sputum smear microscopy, initiated by the International Union against Tuberculosis, is designed to be an easy to use reference standard for the collection, storage and transport of sputum specimens and for the examination of sputum smears by direct microscopy. This edition incl...udes updates addressing bio-safety and quality assurance aspects of sputum smear microscopy.
Towards the Peoples Health Assembly Book -2
This document adopts a health determinants framework for examining the evidence related to women’s poor mental health. From this perspective, public policy including economic policy, socio-cultural and environmental factors, community and social support, stressors and life events, personal behavio...ur and skills, and availability and access to health services, are all seen to exercise a role in determining women’s mental health status. Similarly, when considering the differences between women and men, a gender approach has been used. While this does not exclude biological or sex differences, it considers the critical roles that social and cultural factors and unequal power relations between men and women play in promoting or impeding mental health. Such inequalities create, maintain and exacerbate exposure to risk factors that endanger women’s mental health, and are most graphically illustrated in the significantly different rates of depression between men and women, poverty and its impact, and the phenomenal prevalence of violence against women.
Medicinal plants occupied an important position in the socio-cultural, spiritual and medicinal arena of rural people of India. T
The present report is based on contribution made by members of the task force and many other experts on medicinal plants. We hope the report on implementation will promot...e sustainable and equitable development of medicinal plants sector provide "Health for All", boost exports, and will improve livelihood of the people and green the country for the present and the
generation to come.
New assessment guidelines for measuring the overall impact of mental health problems in Latin America have served as a catalyst for countries to review their mental health policies. Latin American countries have taken various steps to address long-standing problems such as structural difficulties, s...carce financial and human resources, and social, political, and cultural obstacles in the implementation of mental health policies and legislation. These policy developments, however, have had uneven results. Policies must reflect the desire, determination, and commitment of policy-makers to take mental health seriously and look after people’s mental health needs. This paper describes the development of mental health policies in Latin American countries, focusing on published data in peer-reviewed journals, and legislative change and its implementation. It presents a brief history of mental health policy developments, and analyzes the basis and practicalities of current practice.
based on the WHO Bench Aids for the diagnosis of intestinal parasites;
Tutor’s Guide: perform specific laboratory techniques; identify intestinal parasites by genus and species; quantify helminth eggs in faeces by Kato-Katz procedure.
Non-Wood Forest Products 11
Traditional medicine and its use of medicinal plants is dependent on reliable supply of plant materials. The book focuses on the interface between medicinal plant use and conservation of medicinal plants.
The principles and practice of the surgical lmanagment of wounds produced by missiles or explosions