A Toolkit for Implementation. Module 4: Training guide for facilitators of the participatory community assessment in maternal and newborn health
This toolkit aims to provide you with a brief introduction of what SA and its core principles are, and how you as a student can apply several of the existing tools for your own school to really make a difference.
French, Spanish and Arabic Version available: https://ifmsa.org/social-acc...ountability/
Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2017 Jun; 19(2): 93–107.
В настоящем кратком докладе анализируются последние данные о распространенности употребления
табака в Европейском регионе ВОЗ, взятые из доклада о глобальной та...бачной эпидемии за 2017 г., рассматриваются предшествующие аналогичные доклады начиная с 2008 г, а также достижения в деле реализации комплекса мер MPOWER в Европейском регионе. В качестве обоснования используются фактические данные, собранные в «Сборнике аргументов для борьбы против табака». Оценивается прогресс, достигнутый в Европейском регионе ВОЗ в реализации Дорожной карты действий с целью усиления мер по осуществлению Рамочной конвенции ВОЗ по борьбе против табака в Европейском регионе на 2015–2025 гг. (далее – Дорожная карта), и протяженность дальнейшего пути к достижению конечной цели.
An integrated approach to health and human rights lies at the heart of ensuring the dignity and well-being of women living with HIV.
Malar J (2017) 16:174 DOI 10.1186/s12936-017-1808-x
Background: Since 2004, artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) has been the first-line treatment for uncomplicated malaria in Benin. In 2016, a medicine outlet survey was implemented to investigate the availability, price, and market share of... anti-malarial treatment and malaria diagnostics. Results provide a timely and important benchmark to measure future interventions aimed at increasing access to quality malaria case management services.
DHS Working Paper No. 133
Haïti: DHS 2016-2017 - Key Indicators Report (French)
This research paper uses the Health Resources and services Availability Mapping System (HeRAMS) database to develop two composite indices – one for health centres and one for hospitals – in order to analyse and assess the health facilities’ performance across time and to evaluate the di...sparities among regions in the Syrian Arab Republic. The indices will provide an evidence-based tool for the main actors in the health sector to identify gaps, to intervene accordingly and to assess the impact of their interventions on the health system. The process of constructing the indices includes description and selection of variables, application of normalization techniques and weighting methods, and sensitivity analysis.
A literature review, analysis of the scope of the HeRAMS database, analysis of the crisis situation, data limitation and expert consultations were the main aspects of the construction process of the indices.
Supplement Article
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Volume 75, Supplement 2, June 1, 2017 Building Health Systems through Implementation Research
Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Med J DY Patil Univ 2017;10:229-33
In order to streamline and effectively control compounding of medicinal products in hospitals and pharmacies, these Guidelines for Production of Extemporaneous and Hospital Based Sterile Preparations has been crafted. The purpose of these guidelines therefore is to assist pharmacists in ...discharging their legal and professional obligations to patients in the area of extemporaneous dispensing. This guidance will help to assure the safe and appropriate preparation and supply of extemporaneously prepared medicinal products to patients, where
the supply of such products is necessary.
Extemporaneous and hospital based sterile preparations are critical for patients whose clinical needs cannot be met by registered medicinal products. The guidelines outline the principles and application of the concepts of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requirements for premises, equipment, personnel, storage, quality management system, quality control, compounding processes as well as documentation.
Learning from the Use of Data, Information, and Digital Technologies in the West Africa Ebola Outbreak Response
Main Points
The delivery of humanitarian assistance is expected to slow down significantly over the next seven to ten days in anticipation of the electoral process and limited availability of transport and security assets.
The percentage of extremely food-insecure people who have recei...ved food assistance increased to 65 per cent, as 520,000 people of the targeted 806,000 have now been reached.
Health partners have expressed concern over growing evidence of a spike in cases of severe acute malnutrition in hard-to-reach areas in the Sud region.
Cholera response partners are optimistic that the vaccination campaign of 8 to 15 November will contribute to reducing transmission in Sud and rand’Anse and the risk of a future outbreak