Section One
summarizes UNHCR’s mandate of international protecdtion and the aim and principles of emergency
Section Two
deals with emergency management;
Section Three
covers the vital sectors and problem areas in refugee emergencies, including health, food, sanitation
and water, a...s well as key field activities underpinning the operations such as logistics, community
services and registration. The chapters in this section start with a summary so that readers, who
might not need the full level of detail in each of these chapters, can understand the basic principles of
the subject quickly;
Section Four
gives guidance on the support to field operations, primarily administration and staffing;
The Appendices
include a “Toolbox” which gathers, in one location, the standards, indicators and useful references
used throughout the handbook;
"The Emergency Response Guidelines for Anhydrous Hydrogen Fluoride (Guidelines) were prepared
by the American Chemistry Council’s (ACC) Hydrogen Fluoride Panel (Panel). This document is
intended to provide general information to persons addressing an emergency response in the course
of handling... and transporting anhydrous hydrogen fluoride (AHF)."
This report outlines the known problems of child soldiers and the different forms of recruiting. The report zooms in on the Colombia situation and the motives with which Colombian children join these armed groups. Finally there's a list of actions that can be taken to change this situation and the c...ontributions of War Child in these actions.
French version of "Developing Pharmacy Practice" - WHO/FIP Joint handbook - Ce manuel expose un nouveau paradigme de pratique pharmaceutique. Il a pour but de guider les enseignants en pharmacie pour qu’ils intègrent cette nouvelle pratique pharmaceutique, de former les étudiants ...en pharmacie et d’aider les pharmaciens en exercice à actualiser leurs compétences. Ce manuel, qui rassemble outils pratiques et théorie, a été conçu pour répondre à un besoin précis : définir et développer les soins pharmaceutiques, ainsi que de permettre une meilleure compréhension de ce concept à tous les niveaux.
The Regional strategy for measles control recommends that a second opportunity for measles immunization be provided to all children irrespective of their vaccination status or history of clinical measles. The preferred method of provision of a second opportunity is through Supplemental Immunization ...Activities (SIAs) targeting children 9 months to 14 years in catch-up campaigns and 9 months to 4 or 5 years during periodic follow-up campaigns
Spanish version of "Developing Pharmacy Practice" - WHO/FIP Joint handbook -
Este manual de introducción marca un nuevo paradigma en la práctica de farmacia. Intenta guiar a los formadores en atención farmacéutica para educar a los estudiantes de farmacia y a los farmacéuticos ya estableci...dos en la actualización de sus conocimientos. Este manual, que ofrece teoría y ejemplos prácticos, ha sido escrito como respuesta a la necesidad de definir, desarrollar y agrupar todos los conocimientos actuales sobre la atención farmacéutica.
Emerging Infectious Diseases Vol. 12, No. 5, May 2006
This research report provides results from the study on living conditions among people with disabilities in Zambia. Comparisons are made between individuals with and without disabilities and also between households with and without a disabled family member. Results obtained in Zambia are also compar...ed to those obtained in earlier studies carried out in Namibia, Zimbabwe and Malawi. The Zambian study was undertaken in 2005-2006.