The aim of these Guidelines is to provide a framework for the conservation and sustainable use of plants in medicine. To do this, the Guidelines describe the various tasks that should be carried out to ensure that where medicinal plants are taken from the wild, they are taken on a basis that is sust...ainable.
The Guidelines conform to the principles of Caring for the Earth, prepared in partnership by IUCN, UNEP and WWF. Caring for the Earth extends the message and scope of the World Conservation Strategy to an ethic of sustainable living, and explains how to integrate conservation with development. Its message is particularly relevant to the issue of medicinal plants, which in many parts of the world are being seriously depleted due to over-exploitation and loss of habitats, resulting in a lack of essential medicines and so reducing options for the future.
Cancer centres are a major resource in ensuring a comprehensive approach to cancer treatment and its planning. As part of a new roadmap developed by WHO and IAEA to help countries design national cancer control programmes, this publication proposes a framework to develop a cancer centre and/or to st...rengthen the provision of services in an existing cancer centre. The publication provides the features of multidisciplinary cancer care and details the infrastructure, human resources and equipment for different services. This framework is expected to be used as a guide to implementation, taking into consideration the local context and resources.
25 August 2021. The earthquake on August 14, 2021 was almost as strong as the severe quake in 2010, which killed about 300,000 people. The current number of victims is more than 2,200 people, and more than 12,000 people have been injured. More than 52,000 houses were destroyed and more than 77,000 ...damaged. Thousands of families were affected! The magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck southwest Haiti at 8:30 a.m. local time at a depth of about 10 km. The epicentre was measured about 12 km northeast of Saint-Louis-du-Sud, about 125 km west of the capital Port-auPrince. The situation on the ground remains chaotic and the extent of the disaster cannot yet be predicted. In addition, heavy rainfall and the unstable security situation are complicating relief efforts. What is needed most now is food and drinking water, tents and primary health care. MEDBOX has already created the Natural Hazard Toolbox after the severe earthquake in 2010 and has collected many essential materials on health care, shelter & reconstruction after an earthquake in English, French and Kreyol there. In this issue brief, we provide a quick
overview of the most important information.
Interim Guidance.
A number of medical problems have been reported in survivors, including mental health issues. Ebola virus may persist in some body fluids, including semen. Ebola survivors need comprehensive support for the medical and psychosocial challenges they face and also to minimize the ...risk of continued Ebola virus transmission. WHO has developed this document to guide health services on how to provide quality care to survivors of Ebola virus disease
Special Focus on COVID-19
The report provides updated estimates for drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in schools including progress from 2015 to 2019. It highlights the rapid improvement needed to ensure students have access to handwashing facilities with soap and water during the COVID-19 pan...demic, and to meet associated SDG targets by 2030.
This publication summarizes the facilitators and barriers that will be encountered in the deinstitutionalization process and identifies useful and proven interventions in Latin American and Caribbean countries. Four areas of work are identified with the respective guidelines or suggestions for actio...n, which should provide an operational guide for countries that are restructuring mental health services and moving toward the deinstitutionalization of psychiatric care.
Objectives Our study aimed to systematically review the literature and synthesise findings on potential associations of built environment characteristics with type 2 diabetes (T2D) in Asia.
This briefing note summarizes work undertaken by UN Women and WHO to inform the development of a module on violence against women 60 years and older that can be included in dedicated surveys on violence against women. It provides an overview of the challenges in the availability, measurement, and co...llection of data on violence against older women. It also makes recommendations to address some of the issues identified, with the aim of strengthening ongoing and future data collection efforts on violence against older women and increasing its availability.
Developed as part of the UN Women–WHO Global Joint Programme on Violence Against Women Data, this methodological briefing note is one in a series that aims to strengthen the measurement and data collection of violence against particular groups of women or specific aspects of violence against women. These briefing notes are meant for researchers, national statistics offices, and others involved in data collection on violence against women. They seek to contribute to strengthening the quality and availability of data on violence against women and enhance global, regional, and national level monitoring of progress towards its elimination.
This report seeks to uncover the extent to which global goals crowd in international financing, inform domestic policy priorities, and navigate progress toward development outcomes in low- and middle-income countries (LICs and MICs). Our report:
Provides a historical perspective on how ODA financin...g was aligned with the MDGs, and the perceived influence of global goals in shaping domestic priorities
Offers a baseline of ODA financing to the SDGs and a forward-looking perspective in translating past lessons learned from the MDGs era into actionable insights
Using a pilot methodology developed by AidData, we analyze ODA flows during the MDGs era (2000-2013) and approximate baseline financing for each goal prior to the adoption of Agenda 2030 in September 2015. The dataset used in the report, Financing to the SDGs, Version 1.0, provides project-level data on estimated Official Development Assistance (ODA) commitments to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from 2000 to 2013. In this report, we also draw upon the responses of nearly 7,000 public, private, and civil society leaders from AidData’s novel 2014 Reform Efforts Survey to assess how national-level policymakers perceive the MDGs in light of their domestic reform priorities, and what this may mean for the SDGs.
It summarizes guidance on how to manage – and when to refer – children and adolescents presenting with common complaints and conditions. It includes information to enable primary health care providers to coordinate the continued care of children and adolescents with long-term conditions and dise...ases managed by specialists. Preventive and promotive measures from the newborn period to adolescence include advice on the timing and content of well-child visits, the promotion of early childhood development and health messages for adolescents.
This Pocket Book aims to improve the diagnosis and management of common conditions in children and adolescents that can be managed at the outpatient level. It helps to improve the use of laboratory and other diagnostic measures and the rational use of essential drugs and equipment.
Strengthening resource tracking and monitorig health expanditure
Le 13ème programme général de travail (PGT) 2019-2023 de l’OMS va amorcer bientôt sa dernière année de mise en oeuvre. Cependant, le chemin vers l’objectif du « triple milliard » semble encore long, à savoir « faire en sorte qu’un milliard de personnes supplémentaires bénéficient la couverture sanitaire universelle, qu’un milliard de personnes supplémentaires soient mieux protégées face aux situations d’urgence et qu’un milliard de personnes supplémentaires bénéficient d’un meilleur état de santé et d’un plus grand bien-être ».
Promover el seguimiento de los sistemas de salud para prestar mejores servicios a la población de personas mayores forma parte de la serie titulada La Década del envejecimiento saludable en las Américas: situación y desafíos. El propósito de la serie es favorecer la priorización de medidas ef...icaces a nivel local, así como el seguimiento de los datos y las políticas de salud pública, mediante la presentación de información basada en la evidencia. Con el objetivo de presentar el conocimiento actualizado disponible sobre la situación de la salud y el envejecimiento en el inicio de la Década del Envejecimiento Saludable en la Región de las Américas, en este trabajo se brinda información sobre el seguimiento de los sistemas de salud para satisfacer mejor las necesidades de las personas mayores, de manera de subrayar la necesidad de que las sociedades y los sistemas de salud se adapten mejor al envejecimiento poblacional. Además se presenta la herramienta sobre la visión de 360° como una guía para adaptar los sistemas de salud mediante el seguimiento de los indicadores indirectos y destacar los datos y la información que están fácilmente disponibles, desglosados por edad. Esta información puede ayudar en la toma de decisiones y la asignación de recursos para brindar apoyo a las necesidades de las personas mayores. Hasta ahora, se ha llegado a un consenso sobre siete indicadores indirectos con gran pertinencia para fundamentar las políticas y en los estudios de casos en algunos países seleccionados se ha evaluado la viabilidad de este enfoque. En este documento, se presentan la lista de indicadores y el proceso relacionado con la elaboración de la herramienta. La Década del Envejecimiento Saludable 2021-2030 es un período designado para guiar las actividades de transformación de las sociedades con respecto al envejecimiento poblacional y fomentar la inclusión de las personas mayores en cada decisión. El propósito de este documento es contribuir a esta estrategia y poner de relieve los próximos desafíos y oportunidades en relación con el envejecimiento saludable.
Formation sur le suivi et l’évaluation épidémiologique du traitement médicamenteux de masse pour l’élimination de la filariose lymphatique : guide des apprenants. Organisation mondiale de la Santé.
This brochure presents a summary of the situation of health systems and services in the Americas as they progress toward the achievement of universal access to health and universal health coverage (universal health). The information provided presents an overview of the situation before the COVID-19 ...pandemic, how the pandemic has impacted health systems, and recommendations to address current and future challenges for building resilient health systems to advance toward universal health in the Americas.
L'objectif de cette publication est de fournir une approche pratique et progressive pour la mise en œuvre des plans d'action nationaux sur la RAM dans le secteur de la santé humaine ; et de fournir un processus et une compilation des outils existants de l'OMS pour prioriser, chiffrer, mettre en œ...uvre, suivre et évaluer les activités des plans d'action nationaux. Le public cible de cette publication est constitué des parties prenantes nationales/subnationales travaillant sur la RAM dans le secteur de la santé humaine. Il s'agit notamment des autorités sanitaires nationales, des groupes nationaux de coordination multisectorielle, des experts techniques de haut niveau et des décideurs impliqués dans la mise en œuvre des activités liées à la RAM à tous les niveaux du système de santé, ainsi que des partenaires de mise en œuvre afin d'accélérer la mise en œuvre, le suivi et l'évaluation durables des plans d'action nationaux sur la RAM.
For humanitarian organisations to respond effectively to complex crises, they require access to up-to-date evidence-based guidance. The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the importance of updating global guidance to context-specific and evolving needs in humanitarian settings. Our study aimed to under...stand the use of evidence-based guidance in humanitarian responses during COVID-19. Primary data collected during the rapidly evolving pandemic sheds new light on evidence-use processes in humanitarian response.