Der Klimawandel und seine Folgen bedrohen schon heute Millionen von Menschen weltweit. Wissenschaftler/-innen warnen seit Jahren davor, dass ein ungebremster Klimawandel die Welt ins Chaos führen wird. Obwohl der Klimaschutz seit Jahren im Zentrum der öffentlichen Debatte steht und auch weltweit i...n unzähligen Initiativen, Aktionsplänen und konkreter Politik Berücksichtigung findet, steigt der Ausstoß klimaschädlicher Treibhausgase nach wie vor.
The Policy Guidelines and Service Standards for National Sexual and Reproductive Health Programme document outlines the steps on how to offer and deliver services. Improving quality of care is critical to improving clients' health status as well as increasing access to, and utilization of Sexual and... Reproductive Health services. Service Standards and Guidelines are intended to be used by programme managers, implementers, trainers, surpervisors, and service providers as a tool for delivering quality care measures.
Results and Lessons Learned from CapacityPlus 2009-2015
A regional consultation report and draft transition framework
Evaluation report
December 2014
The document is primarily meant to inform mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) staff, such as: psychologists, psychosocial counsellors, social workers, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, and others who are involved providing individual or group counselling, psychotherapy and/or psychiatric... treatment for Syrians
4th edition. A manual for clinics, community health centers and district hospitals
Transforming the Quality of Health Care in Ethiopia
The objectives of the scheme is to promote cleanliness, hygiene and infection control practices in public health care facilities, to incentivize and recognize such public healthcare facilities that show exemplary performance in adhering to standard protocols of cleanliness and infection control, to... inculcate a culture of ongoing assessment and peer review of performance related to hygiene, cleanliness and sanitation, to create and share sustainable practices related to improved cleanliness in public health facilities linked to positive health outcomes.
What are the common health problems of refugees and migrants arriving in the European Region?
Social Protection Policy Analysis, Tanzania
Celebrating ten years of success 2004-2014
Submitted to the US Agency for International Development by the
Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program.
This manual provides a framework to identify problems and design interventions to improve access to and use of medicines for children. It is a resource for ...both health policy makers and health system managers and presents a structured approach to the steps introduced in the framework in the context of child health.