The National Health Plan (NHP) aims to strengthen the country’s health system and pave the way towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC),choosing a path that is explicitly pro-poor. The main goal of NHP 2017-2021 is to extend access to a Basic Essential Package of Health Services (EPHS) to the entir...e population by 2020 while increasing financial protection.
The health of the people and health services are in crisis, and together as partners this plan commits us to strategies aimed at achieving our goal of:
Strengthened primary health care for all, and improved service delivery for the rural majority and the urban disadvantaged.
Original fi...le: 67 MB
Updated May 2017
This document is meant to respond to the questions:
■ What health interventions should the child receive and when should s/he receive it?
■ What health behaviours should a mother/caregiver practise (or not practise)?
Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition Strategic Actions:
1 Endorse and disseminate key policies and regulations
2 Improve maternal nutrition
3 Protect, promote, and support optimal infant and young child feeding practices
4 Support optimal infant and young child feeding in ...difficult circumstances
5 Ensure intra-sectoral integration (Health and Nutrition)
6 Improve intersectoral integration (food security and livelihood, WASH, protection, education and shelter)
7 Support capacity building and service strengthening
8 Initiate advocacy and social behavioural change communication
9 Sustain research, information, monitoring and evaluation
10 Mobilise resources and support
This predominantly qualitative research on disability and development in Myanmar was conducted between August 2011 and February 2012, in three commercial centres of Yangon, Mandalay and Taunggyi. Stakeholders of service providers, persons with disabilities (PWDs) and families of disabled people were... interviewed in order to discover the needs and challenges that they face. Discoveries were made concerning independent living and adaptive education, vocational training and livelihoods challenges, community-based rehabilitation, organisational and human resource capacity, and information channels, networking and cooperation between organisations.
The study found that PWDS, especially those with intellectually disabilities, need training for independent living, adaptive special education, motor development programs and behaviour modification programs in special institutions. Effective services and programs are necessary in all of these areas of need.
Version 2, January 2016
The primary purpose of this document is to provide 3MDG stakeholders with some essential information on the MNCH core-indicators for 3MDG, which were derived from the 3MDG Logical Framework, Data Dictionary for Health Service Indicators (2014 June, DoPH, MoH), A ...Guide for Monitoring and Evaluating Child Health Programmes (MEASURE Evaluation, September 2005) and Monitoring Emergency Obstetric Care (WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA/AMDD). Partners are strongly encouraged to integrate the MNCH indicators into their ongoing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities.
These indicators are designed to help Partners assess the current state of their activities, their progress towards achieving their targets, and contribution towards the national response. This guideline is designed to improve the quality and consistency of data collected at the township level, which will enhance the accuracy of conclusions drawn when the data are aggregated.
Version-1, June 2018
This document provides 3MDG stakeholders with essential information on SRHR indicators, derived from the 3MDG Logical Framework, Data Dictionary for Health Service Indicators (2014 June, DoPH, MoHA), A Guide to Monitoring and Evaluating Adolescent Reproductive Health (MEASURE Evaluation, June 2000) and Monitoring National Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Programmes (WHO, PAHO, 2013). Partners are strongly encouraged to integrate the SRHR indicators into their ongoing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities.
These indicators are designed to help partners assess the current state of their activities, their progress towards achieving their targets, and contribution towards the national response. This guideline is designed to improve the quality and consistency of data collected at the township level, which will enhance the accuracy of conclusions drawn when the data are aggregated.
Civil Society Organisations’ contribution towards community engagement to access and demand health services and encourage communities to practice appropriate health-seeking behaviour in Mon and Chin States. The study recognizes that civil society can promote people-centered health by creating an e...nabling environment for broad and active citizen participation. The VHCs/Volunteer Working Groups play a key role in facilitating engagement between the village community and the Basic Health Staff (BHS).
The primary audience for the guideline is policy makers and health programme managers of MNCH and immunization programmes in ministries of health where decisions are made and policies created on the use and implementation of homebased records.
The guideline is also aimed at health providers who use... home-based records as a tool for recording information and providing health education or communicating key information. Development and international agencies and non-governmental organizations that support the implementation of home-based records will also find this guideline of use.
Domestic Violence Act Training Module
Le Bénin est un pays à épidémie mixte car il existe des poches de concentration de fortes prévalences
au sein de certaines populations clés plus exposées aux risques d’infection, notamment les TS et
leurs partenaires, les prisonniers, les HSH et les UDI. Les sections suivantes présentero...nt la
prévalence dans les différents groupes.
The classification of digital health interventions (DHIs) categorizes the different ways in which digital and mobile technologies are being used to support health system needs. Historically, the diverse communities working in digital health—including government stakeholders, technologists, clinic...ians, implementers, network operators, researchers, donors— have lacked a mutually understandable language with which to assess and articulate functionality. A shared and standardized vocabulary was recognized as necessary to identify gaps and duplication, evaluate effectiveness, and facilitate alignment across different digital health implementations. Targeted primarily at public health audiences, this Classification framework aims to promote an accessible and bridging language for health program planners to articulate functionalities of digital health implementations.
The project will support preventive actions, traditional medicine and the coordination and
implementation capacities of the national framework for HIV/AIDS control.
Washington, D.C., USA, 23-27 September 2018
Provisional Agenda Item 4.6
CD56/10, Rev. 1 31 August 2018
Original: Spanish
Since the end of 2018, there has been a significant upsurge in violence in Rakhine State after armed conflict broke out between the Arakan Army (AA) and the Myanmar Military. The violence escalated following attacks by the AA against military sites in January 2019 and subsequent counter-attacks by t...he Myanmar Military. The conflict has led to civilian casualties and the destruction of property that has spread to nine townships of Rakhine State (Buthidaung, Kyauktaw, Maungdaw, Minbya, Mrauk-U, Myebon, Pauktaw, Ponnagyun, Rathedaung) and Paletwa Township in neighboring Chin State. Ann and Kyaukphyu townships have been affected at certain points. The conflict has led to a significant displacement of people, some for extended amounts of time and some for short periods, with people fleeing violence subsequently returning to their homes within a few days or weeks. While fighting has occurred largely in rural areas and remote locations, key transport routes and urban and semi-urban areas have also been impacted. Tens of thousands of civilians living in villages have been caught in the middle of intense armed conflict.
Октябрь 2017
Рекомендации EACS 9.0
Die Zahlen aus dem Versorgungsbericht der BAfF zeigen, dass die Angebote der spezialisierten Psychosozialen Zentren für Flüchtlinge und Folteropfer (PSZ) stärker nachgefragt werden denn je. Es konnten zwar über 21.000 Klient*innen versorgt werden – doppelt so viele wie noch 5 Jahre zuvor. Da s...ich die Anzahl der Geflüchteten in Deutschland jedoch im gleichen Zeitraum verdreifacht hat, kann der Bedarf an Psychotherapie und psychosozialer Unterstützung bei weitem nicht gedeckt werden. Ginge man davon aus, dass bei etwa 30 % der in Deutschland lebenden Geflüchteten ein Behandlungsbedarf abgeklärt und gegebenenfalls adressiert werden müsste, dann beträgt der Anteil, der von den PSZ und ihren Partnern in der Regelversorgung abgedeckt wird, lediglich 6,1 %.