The Minimum Standards for Age and Disability Inclusion in Humanitarian Action inform the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian programmes across all sectors and phases of response, and in all emergency contexts, ensuring older people and people with disabilities are not e...xcluded.
This report is a comprehensive statistical overview of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in the 29 countries where the practice is concentrated. Analysis of the data reflects current perspectives on FGM/C, informed by the latest policy, programmatic and theoretical evidence.
tep 1 Competencies have been designed to provide staff with the core skills required to care for a critically ill patient safely, whilst under supervision. It is expected that Step 1 competencies will be completed prior to commencing an academic critical care programme.
Steps 2 & 3 Competencies hav...e been designed to further develop your essential critical care skills and will require enhanced theoretical knowledge to underpin your practice. It is anticipated that Steps 2 & 3 competencies will be undertaken whilst undertaking an academic critical care programme.
Step 4 Competencies have been designed to provide staff with the core skills required to take charge in a critical care unit; building management and leadership capability into your professional development, to demonstrate safe and effective coordination and prioritisation of unit workload, workforce and resources.
You can downlaod any of the Steps Competency Documents from this link
This Technical Brief focuses on current principles and approaches to Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) management, highlighting key constraints, gaps in knowledge and areas still lacking consensus. It is intended to inform ongoing debates among practitioners, national partners, donors and analysts o...n what information and evidence on best practices are currently available, where the gaps are, and priorities for going forward.
This Technical Brief reviews current practice and evidence on nutrition-specific preventive approaches to MAM, providing practical guidance for implementers and programme managers, and highlighting gaps in evidence and guidance.
Including a Tool to Assess the Adolescent Health and Development Component in Pre-Service Education of Health-Care Providers
Chaque année, des milliers d’enfants béninois meurent ou n’arrivent pas à développer pleinement leur potentiel physique ou intellectuel du fait de la malnutrition chronique. La présente politique du secteur de la santé pour la nutrition se focalise sur la mère, lenourrisson,... l’enfant et l’adolescent et prend en compte les résolutions du récent forum national organisé à Cotonoudu 11 au 13 juin 2015, par le Conseil National de l’Alimentation et de la Nutrition(CAN)sur la lutte contre la malnutrition chronique axée sur la fenêtre d’opportunité des 1000 premiers jours de la vie (allant de la conception à la fin de la deuxième année de vie). Elle se fonde sur les principes d’équité?d’éthique et de transparence dans la gestion des problèmes nutritionnels.Cette politique est l’œuvre de la Direction de la Santé de la Mère et de l’Enfant (DSME) avec le soutien technique et financier de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS). Elle servira au cours des dix prochaines années (2016-2025) d’orientation à tous les acteurset partenaires qui contribuent à l’amélioration de l’état nutritionnel des cibles visées.
This Framework offers a coherent approach for eliminating tuberculosis (TB) in low-incidence countries. It is designed to guide national policy-makers and those responsible for technical aspects of the national TB response in accelerating efforts towards elimination. The document will also be inform...ative for public health surveillance officers, practitioners and nongovernmental and civil society partners working on natioal TB care and prevention and serving the populations most vulnerable to TB.
The Compendium brings together for the first time key consensus-based policy recommendations and guidance to improve the delivery of proven interventions to women and children. The user-friendly format incorporates icons and tabs to present key health-related policies that support the delivery of es...sential RMNCH interventions. It also includes multisectoral policies on the economic, social, technological and environmental factors that influence health outcomes and service delivery. The Policy Compendium is a companion document to the Essential Interventions, Commodities and Guidelines for RMNCH.