New research exposes how women and children are disproportionally affected by climate migration, which puts them at greater risk of gender-based violence, child labour and exploitation.
Governments must ensure the safety and protection of women and girls in climate emergencies, including the safe... and equal access to basic services, food, and healthcare before, during, and after disasters. Women must also be included in decision making in their communities so they can lead on resilience building and address gendered issues of migration and displacement.
Access to medical personal protective equipment (PPE) is essential for routine healthcare delivery, and a critical tool for containing outbreaks, as well as preventing and responding to pandemics. It is one of our most effective tools against COVID-19, and an undervalued tool more generally in infec...tion control.
Esta carpeta ofrece información básica acerca de la estrategia de tamizaje basada en el test de VPH. Tiene como principales destinatariosa los integrantes del equipo de salud que realizan las tomas de las muestras para el tamizaje en las provincias que incorporaron esta nueva tecnología [ginecól...ogas/os, Lic. en obstetricia,obstétricas/os, médicas/os generalistas, enfermeras/os, etc.].
Developed as part of the UN Women–WHO Global Joint Programme on Violence Against Women Data, this briefing note focuses on the measurement of violence against women with disability and is one in a series of methodological briefing notes for strengthening the measurement and data collection of viol...ence against particular groups of women or specific aspects of violence against women.
The briefing note is meant for researchers, national statistics offices, and others involved in data collection on violence against women. It provides an overview of the challenges in the availability, measurement, and collection of data on violence against women with disability and outlines recommendations for good practice in measurement, with the aim of strengthening ongoing and future data collection efforts and increasing the availability of such data.
The inclusion of women with disability and the issue of disability within population-based surveys and research on violence against women is necessary for an improved understanding of populations of women at specific risk of violence. This knowledge would also allow more tailored prevention strategies and response/services and programmes to be designed in a way that addresses the specific needs of women with disability.
Las medidas recomendadas existentes de agua, saneamiento e higiene en
entornos de atención médica son importantes para proporcionar una atención
adecuada a los pacientes y proteger a los pacientes y al personal considerando:
provisión suficiente de agua potable segura para el personal, los cuidadores y los
pacientes; la higiene personal; la lavandería y la limpieza; los inodoros adecuados
y accesibles; manejo seguro de las excretas, que incluye mantener las excretas
(heces y orina) separadas del contacto humano y el tratamiento y eliminación
seguros en el medio ambiente; higiene frecuente de las manos utilizando la
técnica adecuada; limpieza y desinfección periódicas; y gestión segura de los
desechos de atención médica.
Salut materno infanto juvenil en cifras este nuevo boletín, elaborado a partir de
datos oficiales proporcionados por la Dirección de Estadísticas e Información en
Salud del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación (MSN) y el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INDEC), refleja las cifras so...bre hechos vitales y morbilidad infanto-juvenil
en el territorio nacional. Constituye una fuente de información esencial que contiene indicadores significativos para medir el desarrollo social, la situación de la infancia y el sistema de salud del país.
El presente documento tiene la finalidad de ordenar la atención de las niñas y adolescentes embarazadas menores de 15 años de la provincia de Misiones y de integrar el abordaje de los diversos actores que tienen responsabilidad en esta población específica: salud, educación, desarrollo social ...y justicia.
In-and Out-Patient Treatment
دليل عملي موجه للقابلات والأطباء المدربين في مجال التوليد والعاملين بالرعاية الصحية الذين يتعاملون مع حالات الطوارئ التوليدية
Policy Brief, Updated in March 2017
A National Service Programme for All Children with Special Needs and their Families
In Myanmar, we estimate that at least 40% of children require ECI services for short to longer periods of time. At present, 35.1% of Myanmar children are moderately to severely stunted; all of these children are l...ikely to have one or more developmental delays. In addition, at least 5% to 12% of the nation’s children will be identified to have disabilities, chronic diseases or atypical behaviours.
Over time, approximately 70% of the children who will be served will improve in their development, attain expected levels of development for their age, and will consolidate their gains within one to two years. Other children, approximately 30%, will have lifelong disabilities or other conditions, and ECI services usually greatly improve their development and help them to achieve their full potential.
The new treaty aims at eliminating all forms of illicit trade in tobacco products. It provides tools for preventing illicit trade by securing the supply chain, including by establishing an international tracking and tracing system, by countering illicit trade through dissuasive law enforcement measu...res and a suite of measures to enable international cooperation.
World Drug Report 2018