English Analysis on World about Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment, Drought, Flood and more; published on 27 Oct 2021 by GCA
One of the many gender inequities in the health and care workforce that COVID-19 has exposed is around the fit and design of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The rapid onset and scale of COVID-19 led to shortages of PPE in most countries, causing preventable infection and mortality among healthc...are workers and others on the front lines. Even though most health workers are women, manufacturing specifications for medical PPE are usually drawn up based on the male body and there have been many reports of PPE not designed for women's bodies.
Mit dem Projekt „Empowerment Now“ setzt Handicap International Impulse für Selbstvertretungsprozesse von geflüchteten Menschen mit Behinderung in Deutschland. In dieser Handreichung wurden unter anderem die Erfahrungen, die die beteiligten Selbstvertretenden seitdem gemacht haben, zusammengest...ellt. Insbesondere richtet sich die Handreichung an Fachkräfte, politisch Verantwortliche und MitarbeiterInnen der Verwaltung, die an der Schnittstelle von Flucht, Migration und Behinderung arbeiten.
Despite the human and economic impact of viral epidemics, the world is not well enough prepared for the next emerging viral outbreak. Global trends indicate that new microbial threats will continue to emerge at an accelerating rate, driven by our growing population, expanded travel and trade network...s, and human encroachment into wildlife habitat.
Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) has immense benefits for individual users, as well as society at large, through improvements to physical health, air quality, the environment, climate change, personal finance, accessibility, mobility and the empowerment of vulnerable groups.
The World Climate and Security Report (WCSR) 2021 from the Expert Group of the International Military Council on Climate and Security is a global assessment of the security dimensions of a changing climate and effective means to address them. It is intended to inform timely climate and security poli...cy and action, and builds upon the analysis in the first WCSR, released in February 2020.
The climate crisis has many consequences – among them widespread health impacts that will lead to immense societal, ecological, and economic harm.
Over the past two decades multiple large-scale reviews on climate change and health have made clear the need for a multi-sectoral approach to target t...he drivers and impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss, and ecosystem degradation. Despite this abundance of scientific evidence underscoring urgency of action, policy implementation responses lag behind. Even at COP26, itself delayed due to an ongoing pandemic, health continues to be considered by many countries a problem independent from climate and environment.
IAEA Safety Standards for protecting people and the environment
The Planetary Health Education Framework is a project of the Planetary Health Alliance (planetaryhealthalliance.org). The Planetary Health Alliance is a consortium of over 250 partners from around the world committed to understanding and addressing the human health impacts of global environmental ch...ange
Studien der Sachverständigengruppe „Weltwirtschaft und Sozialethik“ Nr. 22
Eine interdisziplinäre Studie im Rahmen des Dialogprojektes zum weltkirchlichen Beitrag der katholischen Kirche für eine sozial-ökologische Transformation im Lichte von Laudato si'.
Biosafety involves the implementation of containment principles, technologies and practices to prevent unintentional exposure to biological agents. Biosecurity involves the protection, control and accountability of biological materials and information related to these materials and dualuse research,... to prevent their unauthorized access, loss, theft, misuse, diversion or intentional release.
The Lab identifies, develops, and launches sustainable finance
instruments that can drive billions to a low-carbon economy. The
2019 Global Lab Cycle targets four specific sectors across
mitigation and adaptation: blue carbon in marine & coastal
ecosystems; sustainable agriculture for smallholde...rs in West and
Central Africa; sustainable energy access; and sustainable cities